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本刊自去年第七期起,开展了关于审美理想的大讨论,引起全国美术界的关注。我们认为,审美理想的讨论和艺术方向的澄清,最终还是要落实到实践上,落实到出好作品、出好人才上。对艺术家来讲,真善美不是空洞的理念,它要落实到自己的精品力作上去体现。因此,我们在继续深入讨论审美理想的同时,准备开展“艺术质量标准”题的讨论;通俗地说,就是关于“什么是好画的质量标准”问题的讨论。在20世纪几乎争论了一整个世纪的问题,关于绘画“现代不现代”的问题,因为不可能找到一个评价“现代”和“现代性”的科学标准,这场旷日持久的讨论白白浪费了不少卷入者的心智和生命。其实,绘画本体发展的基本问题只有一个,那就是:不断画好画,不断提高绘画本体的高标准质量,不断提高绘画本体在精神层面和形式层面的高标准辨证统一。因此,研究讨论“什么是好画的质量标准”问题,比纠缠“现代不现代”的空洞问题,对画家来说要实际的多。为此,本刊从这一期起开辟有关“艺术质量标准”问题的栏目,欢迎有这方面思考的理想论家和画家参与笔谈讨论。恰逢南京赵绪成和北京孙克来稿,文中均涉及到“好画的质量标准”问题,故特作开栏文章发表如下。赵文不免偏颇,但大胆地对比大师作品之间的优长,正直涉画的质量标准”问题。孙文呼唤大师, Since its publication in the seventh period last year, the magazine has launched a major discussion on the aesthetic ideal and has drawn the attention of the national fine arts community. In our opinion, the discussion of aesthetic ideals and the clarification of the direction of art should eventually be implemented in practice and be implemented with good works and good talents. For artists, truth, goodness and beauty are not hollow ideas. They must be embodied in their own excellent works of art. Therefore, while continuing to discuss aesthetic ideals in depth, we are going to discuss the issue of “art quality standards.” In a nutshell, we are discussing the issue of “what is the quality standard for good paintings.” Almost a century of argue in the twentieth century and a question about the painting “modern and non-modern”, since it is not possible to find a scientific standard to evaluate “modernity” and “modernity”, this protracted discussion wasted quite a bit Involved in the mind and life. Actually, there is only one basic problem in the development of ontology. That is, we should constantly draw pictures and constantly improve the high standard quality of painting ontology and continuously improve the dialectical unity of high standard of painting on the spiritual and formal aspects. Therefore, studying and discussing the question of “what is the quality standard of a good picture” is actually more practical to the painter than the hollow problem entangled in “modernity and non-modernity”. To this end, this issue from this issue to open up the “quality of art standards” part of the column, the idealists and painters in this area are welcome to participate in writing to discuss the discussion. Coincided with the Nanjing Zhao Xucheng and Beijing Sun Ke contributions, the text involves the “good quality of the picture” issue, so special for the opening column is published below. Zhao Wen can not help but biased, but bold contrast between the master works of the excellent long, integrity involved in the quality standards. "Sun Wen call master,
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