
来源 :国内外机电一体化技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mybestlove_nx
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0前言制造业特别是机械制造业是国民经济的支柱产业,现代制造业正在改变着人们的生产方式、生活方式、经营管理模式乃至社会的组织结构和文化。由于中国潜在的巨大市场和丰富的劳动力资源,世界的制造业正在向中国转移,中国正在成为世界的制造大国。我国在家电等若干产品的产量已居世界第一位。但是在自主知识产权的创新设计、先进制造工艺和装备及现代化管理等方面仍然存在很大差距,所以我们还不是制造强国。本文仅就机械制造企业目前管理中存在的问题、如何利用信息技术提高管理水平、管理信息化的特点和技术发展趋势提出一些看法,供机械制造企业制定信息化方案时参考。 0 Preface The manufacturing industry, especially the machinery manufacturing industry, is the pillar industry of the national economy. The modern manufacturing industry is changing people’s mode of production, life style, management mode and even the social organizational structure and culture. Due to China’s huge potential market and rich labor resources, the world’s manufacturing industry is shifting to China. China is becoming the world’s manufacturing powerhouse. China’s output of some products such as home appliances has ranked first in the world. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of innovative design of independent intellectual property rights, advanced manufacturing technology and equipment, and modern management. Therefore, we are still not a manufacturing powerhouse. This article only on the current problems in the management of machinery manufacturing enterprises, how to use information technology to improve the management level, the characteristics of management information and technology trends put forward some views for the development of information technology solutions for manufacturing reference.
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