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昔日“风起三尺沙,黄土埋庄稼”的永年县刘营乡,近年来神话般地崛起,一跃成为永年县的首富。2001年,该乡工农业总产值达21.3亿元,财政收入920万元,人均收入达3076元,分别比1998年增长了42%、21%、23%,而这一切是与该乡党委书记李剑青分不开的。提起李剑青,干部群众无不感言:他代表了共产党人的形象,把丰碑树在了百姓的心中。1998年6月,李剑青任刘营乡党委书记。上任伊始,刘营乡 In the past, “Liu Yingxiang in Yongnian County, where the wind blows three feet of sand and loess buries crops,” rose in a fabulous manner in recent years and became the richest man in Yongnian County. In 2001, the township industrial and agricultural output reached 2.13 billion yuan, fiscal revenue 9.2 million yuan, per capita income of 3076 yuan, respectively, over 1998 increased by 42%, 21%, 23%, and all this is with the township party secretary Li Jianqing inseparable. Mentioning Li Jianqing, cadres and the masses are all saying: He represents the image of the Communists, the monument tree in the hearts of the people. June 1998, Li Jianqing Ren Liu Yingxiang party secretary. At the beginning, Liu Yingxiang
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