结合企业整顿 抓好科技档案工作

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一九八二年以来,我们结合企业全面整顿工作,认真贯彻落实国档发(1983)4号文件和豫档发(1983)11号文件精神,开展了国营工业企业科技档案的整顿工作,取得了较好的效果。截止目前,列入我市整顿规定的七十五个企业中,已有四十四个企业的科技档案工作基本达到市颁标准,验收合格,其他三十一个企业和五县九十个企业正在逐步展开。我们的具体做法是: 一、纳入标准,加强领导豫档发(1983)11号文件下达后,市档案局与市经委及时联合转发到了各企业,同时,经档案局、企整办共同协商,将科技档案工作作为企业整顿的内容,纳入了《安阳市国营工业企业整顿五项工作检查验收评分标准》,在千分制中占二十分。 Since 1982, in line with the overall rectification work conducted by the enterprise, we conscientiously implemented the spirit of Document No. 4 (1983) No. 4 and Document No. 11 of Yu Dafa (1983), and carried out the rectification of the scientific and technological archives of state-owned industrial enterprises with the aim of obtaining A better effect. Up to now, out of the 75 enterprises listed in the rectification provisions of the municipality, 44 scientific and technological archives work has basically reached the standard promulgated by the municipality and passed the acceptance test. The other 31 enterprises and 90 enterprises in 5 counties Is gradually expanded. Our specific approach is: First, the inclusion of standards and strengthen leadership Yu file (1983) No. 11 document issued, the Municipal Archives and City Economic Commission jointly transmitted to the timely timely joint venture, at the same time, through the archives Bureau, The scientific and technological archives work as the content of enterprise consolidation, included in the “Anyang City State-owned industrial enterprises rectification of five work inspection and acceptance criteria,” accounting for twenty points in the system.
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