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NBA赛场上有一句真理:进攻赢得观众,防守赢得总冠军。将这句话类比到大企业的发展过程中,似乎也能同样得到一条结论:开源带来企业的高速增长,节流则是企业成功的基础。实际上,当我们透视许多大企业发展到一定程度就开始停滞不前的原因时,可以发现各种各样的症状,如企业进取不足、职责不清、决策复杂、行动缓慢、信息沟通不畅等,但其中有一条却是此类企业的共性问题:机构臃肿,导致人浮于事,行政成本却居高不下。因此,许多业内人士在谈到解决“大企业病”问题的办法时,都不约而同地指出:先从内部开始着手。2005年,笔者曾经采访过邯郸矿业集团,该企业在两年前完成了从国营到股份制的转变,并在一年前刚刚兼并了张家口盛源矿业公司“。这两年来企业的增长受到了不小的影响,这是由于改制之后仍然有一些机构设置上的重复和浪费,并且随着规模扩大,员工人数上升了一个数量级,导致企业行政成本大幅提高,企业运营效率随之下降。”时任邯郸矿业集团副总经理的申明新就表示,要想实现做大做强的目标,就必须从改善内部管理、降低行政成本开始。随之,邯矿集团一方面颁布了一系列管理条例,另一方面则通过ERP等系统强化管理流程、提升企业效率。 There is a truth in the NBA arena: getting the audience offensive, defensive winning the championship. Similar to the development of large enterprises in the development process, it seems the same can be drawn to a conclusion: Open source brings business growth, throttling is the basis for business success. In fact, when we look at the reasons for the stagnation of many large enterprises to some extent, we can find various symptoms such as lack of progress, unclear responsibilities, complicated decision-making, slow operation and poor communication of information However, one of them is a common problem for such enterprises. Institutions are bloated, causing people to float in trouble and administrative costs remain high. Therefore, when talking about the solution to the problem of “big business disease”, many people in the industry all point out spontaneously that they should start with their internal affairs. In 2005, the author interviewed Handan Mining Group, which completed the transition from state-owned to joint-stock ownership two years ago and just a year ago acquired Zhangjiakou Shengyuan Mining Co. “The growth of the company was not affected in the past two years This is because there is still some duplication and waste in organizational settings after the restructuring and the number of employees has increased by an order of magnitude as the size of the organization has increased, resulting in a significant increase in corporate administrative costs and a decline in the efficiency of corporate operations. ” Deputy General Manager of Handan Mining Group, said the new affirmation, in order to achieve the goal of bigger and stronger, we must start from improving internal management and reduce administrative costs. Subsequently, Handan Mining Group promulgated a series of management regulations on the one hand, and on the other hand enhanced the management process through ERP and other systems to enhance business efficiency.
唐代诗人贾岛灵感一动想到两句诗:“鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下门。”他又想用“推”字,炼字定不下来,便伸出手来做推敲的姿势,看到他这样的人都很惊讶。惊讶之中便有了语言中的“推敲”。在小学语文课文中,诗歌用字精练传神,散文句式优美多样,记叙文对话富有个性,教学时,引导学生认真推敲、欣赏,这样既能提高学生的语感,又能使学生得到美的熏陶。  一、用推敲学会文本中传神的词语  我们知道,诗人和作家都十分注重用词的
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“装甲运输车,  人称火柴盒。  个头不算大,  能运还能打……”  远处隐隐约约飘来一串歌声,仔细一看,原来是M113装甲运输车。只见它一边溜达一边哼着小曲儿,估计刚又打了一场胜仗,心情很不错嘛!    车也不可貌相    这辆凯旋归来的M113两栖履带式装甲运输车,长得是又方又正,活像一个超级火柴盒,线条却一点儿也不优美。但作为一辆装甲输送车,它的主要任务是运送士兵和货物,装得多才是硬道理,长
上小学以来,我经历了校园生活的酸甜苦辣:有登上领奖台领奖的光荣时刻,有和同学发生冲突闹不愉快的时候,有考试没考好被爸爸妈妈批评的时候……今天我要和大家分享的, Since
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