拓展载体 实化效果

来源 :共产党员(河北) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sz_yaoli
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我们涿州市在农村党员“双学”活动中,狠抓“双学”、“双带”、“双联”三个重点环节,拓展了“双学”载体,丰富了“双学”主题实践活动,实化了学习效果。以“双学”为切入点,激发能动力。“双学”活动中,我们站在统揽全局的高度,把工作切入点选在提高党员素质的关键环节上,一是从形成共识上切入。市委认为,加强党员教育,搞好“双学”活动是在社会主义市场经济条件下,加强党的建设,提高党员整体素质的重大举措,是一项较真求实的工作。基于这种认识,我们在农村党员“双学”活动中,制订了以“学、联、带”为根基的“三双”活动总思路。二是从队伍建设上切入。党员队伍建设是推行“三双”活动的组织基础,我们对党员队伍老化,文化偏低,联带能力不强,很难承担起联带群众搞好两个文明建设 We in Pizhou City, rural party members “double learning ” activities, pay close attention to “double”, “double belt ”, “double” three key links, expanding Carrier, enriched “double learning ” theme practice activities, the effect of learning. To “double learning ” as the starting point, to stimulate energy. In the “Double Learning” activities, we are standing at the top of the overall situation of the country. We must cut our work into the key links for improving the quality of party members. First, we must cut through the consensus on formation. The municipal party committee believes that it is a more realistic and pragmatic task to step up education on party members and improve “double learning” activities under the socialist market economy in order to strengthen party building and enhance the overall quality of party members. Based on this understanding, we formulated the general idea of ​​“three pairs” of activities based on “learning, linking, and ” in the activities of rural party members “double learning ”. Second, cut through from team building. The building of a contingent of party members is the organizational basis for the implementation of the “three doubles” campaign. It is very difficult for us to carry out the building of the two civilizations with the masses in connection with the aging party culture and the low culture level.
近年来,我国大学生竞走运动水平提高很快,如西安邮电学院研究生谭明军就曾在全国第四届大运会上以40’11“15打破男子10000米竞走全国纪录,并有12人达到运动健将标准。 然而