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在澳门附近水域治理开发规划中,应用潮流一、二维联解数学模型进行研究,并结合物理模型、遥感图像解译分析和原型观测等成果进行对比分析,论证其成果的合理性和可靠性。此外,作为数值模拟的重要组成部分,在研制动态仿真演示系统的成果后处理方面,也作了一些新尝试,使工程技术人员能更深入、更形象地了解水流泥沙运动特性、泥沙扩散及冲淤过程,有利于分析和预测拟建工程对水流泥沙运动以及环境的影响。 In the course of watershed management and development planning in the vicinity of Maucao, a tidal current first-dimensional and two-dimensional reconciliation mathematical model was applied to conduct a comparative study, and the results were analyzed and compared with physical models, remote sensing image interpretation and analysis. The rationality and reliability of the results were demonstrated . In addition, as an important part of numerical simulation, some new attempts have been made to develop the post-processing results of the dynamic simulation demonstration system so as to enable engineers and technicians to understand more deeply the characteristics of sediment movement and sediment diffusion And the scouring and silting process, is conducive to the analysis and prediction of the impact of the proposed project on water and sediment movement and the environment.
2010年12月16日,马赛中国学生学者联合会在马赛市中心世界贸易中心举行了新一届主席团换届评选会议。中国驻法使馆教育处戴天 On December 16, 2010, the Marseille China F
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大卫·布拉德利David W.Bradley年龄:48国籍:美国居住地:亚特兰大职业:游戏制作人,Heuristic Park公司的CEO教育程度:高中毕业,自学格言:少说话,多做事! 这位开发传统角色扮
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