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家住武汉市上海路的王士桢老人今年已是102岁的高龄,但背不驼,腰不弯,除有点耳背外,说起话来口齿清晰,且红光满面。两年前,老人的儿女为他做百岁大寿,老人兴之所至,当着众人的面,表演了一段探戈,赢得场内掌声不断。他还向来宾透露了他的两个“五年计划”:“活到105岁没问题,向110岁努力!”相约“再过5年,还请大家来赴宴”。老人的健康高寿,和他几十年的珠算生涯、爱好跳舞、胸襟宽厚及经常动脑、坚持做广播体操等生活习惯有着一定的关系。 Wang Shizhen, an old man living in Shanghai Road, Wuhan City, is 102 years old this year. However, his back does not hump, his waist is not curved, and apart from a bit of ear to ear, he speaks clearly and splendidly. Two years ago, the children of the elders performed centennial longevity for him. When the elderly enjoyed their activities, they performed a tango in front of them and won the applause constantly. He also revealed to his guests two of his five-year plans: “to 105 years of age no problem, to 110 years of hard work! ” Meet "for another 5 years, also invited everyone to dinner . The elderly’s health and longevity, and his decades of abacus career, dancing, broad-minded and often mind, adhere to the practice of doing gymnastics radio has a certain relationship.
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