A linear array of 980nm VCSEL and its high temperature operation characteristics

来源 :半导体学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liaotianeryi2
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A 980 nm bottom-emitting vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser linear array with high power density and a good beam property of Gaussian far-field distribution is reported.This array is composed of five linearly arranged elements with a 200μm diameter one at the center,the other two 150μm and 100μm diameter ones at both sides of the center with center to center spacing of 300μm and 250μm,respectively.A power of 880 mW at a current of 4 A and a corresponding power density of up to 1kW/cm2 is obtained.The temperature dependent characteristics of the linear array are investigated.The thermal interaction between the individual elements of the VCSEL linear array is smaller due to its optimized element size and device spacing,which make it more suitable for high power applications.A peak power of over 20 W has been achieved in pulsed operation with a 60 ns pulse length and a repetition frequency of 1 kHz. A 980 nm bottom-emitting vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser linear array with high power density and a good beam property of Gaussian far-field distribution is reported. This array is composed of five linearly arranged elements with a 200 μm diameter one at the center , the other two 150 μm and 100 μm diameter ones at both sides of the center with center to center spacing of 300 μm and 250 μm, respectively. A power of 880 mW at a current of 4 A and a corresponding power density of up to 1 kW / cm 2 is The temperature dependent characteristics of the linear array are investigated. The thermal interaction between the individual elements of the VCSEL linear array is smaller due to its optimized element size and device spacing, which make it more suitable for high power applications. A peak power of over 20 W has been achieved in pulsed operation with a 60 ns pulse length and a repetition frequency of 1 kHz.
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