Overexpression of ADAM9 in non-small cell lung cancer correlates with brain metastasis

来源 :中国神经肿瘤杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guyunlong0811
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The “a disintegrin and metalloprotease” (ADAM) family contributes to regulation of the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that are critical determinants of malignancy. To determine the relationship between metastasis and ADAM proteins, we compared the mRNA levels of ADAM9,-10,-12,-15, and-17 in sublines of an EBC-1 lung cancer cell line that were highly metastatic to either brain or bone. ADAM9 mRNA levels were significantly higher in highly brain-metastatic sublines than in the parent or highly bonemetastalic sublines. To elucidate the role ofADAM9 in brain metastasis, we stably transfected A549 and EBC-1 cells with a fulllength ADAM9 expression vector. Compared with mock-transfectants, ADAM9 overexpression resulted in increased invasive capacity in The “a disintegrin and metalloprotease ” (ADAM) family contributes to regulation of the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that are critical determinants of malignancy. To determine the relationship between metastasis and ADAM proteins, we compared the mRNA levels of ADAM9 , -10, -12, -15, and-17 in sublines of an EBC-1 lung cancer cell line that were highly metastatic to either brain or bone. ADAM9 mRNA levels were significantly higher in highly brain-metastatic sublines than in the parent or highly bone metastalic sublines. To elucidate the role of ADAM9 in brain metastasis, we stably transfected A549 and EBC-1 cells with a fulllength ADAM9 expression vector. Compared with mock-transfectants, ADAM9 overexpression resulted in increased invasive capacity in
摘 要:词语的含义总会随着历史的前进而不断演变。我们现在通常使用某一词汇的意义可能在古代并非如此。“老娘”一词便是一例。“老娘”从诞生之初的“接生婆”一意,演变成了女性的自称。本文将对“老娘”一词的含义及其演变过程进行探究。  关键词:老娘 接生婆 女性  一、导言  李敖曾经在微博上抨击现在部分年轻人误用乱用称谓词,包括“老娘”一词,他称“老娘”在古代“老娘”的本义是“接生婆”。那么“老娘”一词
摘 要:本文着重阐述中职旅游专业实训教学在旅游专业实训与理论教学过程中的重要性,探讨了旅游专业实训实训模式的选择。同时也对如何将旅游专业实训与市场对接,将市场机制的积极作用引入到实训教学过程来,加快旅游专业人才的成长,培养适应社会需求的中等旅游人才进行了深刻的思考。  关键词:中职旅游专业;实训模式选择;市场化运作  中图分类号:G718 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)0
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