
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sysylh
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Objectives: This study aimed to investigate whether different types of memory stimulus provide different information during the Wada or intracarotid amytal procedure (IAP) in patients with refractory medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Methods: Eighty nine surgical candidates with documented MTLE and selected for left hemispheric language dominance underwent memory assessment with verbal and dually encodable stimuli during a presurgical IAP. Results: The overall IAP memory performance with the left hemisphere is significantly better than with the rig ht hemisphere regardless of lesion side. This can be explained by the left hemis pheric advantage of encoding all stimuli, whereas the right hemisphere has only limited resources to encode verbal stimuli. More importantly, it appeared that dually encodable items remain more readily recognised following injection ipsilateral to the lesion, whereas verbal items are always better recognised following right hemisphere injection regardless of lesion side. Conclusions: Verbal IAP stimuli show left hemispheric sensitivity in left language dominant MTLE patients. The dually encodable items of the IAP appear lesion sensitive. Objectives: This study aimed to investigate either different types of memory stimulus provide different information during the Wada or intracarotid amytal procedure (IAP) in patients with refractory medial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE). Methods: Eighty nine surgical candidates with documented MTLE and selected for Left hemispheric language dominance underwent memory assessment with verbal and dually encodable stimuli during a presurgical IAP. Results: The overall IAP memory performance with the left hemisphere is significantly better than with the rig ht hemisphere regardless of lesion side. This can be explained by the left hemis pheric advantage of encoding all stimuli, but the right hemisphere has only limited resources to encode verbal stimuli. more importantly, it that dually encodable items remain more well recognized under injection ipsilateral to the lesion, but verbal items are always better recognized following right hemisphere injection regardless of lesion side. Conclusions: Verbal IAP stimuli show left hemispheric sensitivity in left language dominant MTLE patients. The dually encodable items of the IAP appear lesion sensitive.
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从2009年7月1日起,北京移动“全球通”、“动感地带”和“神州行”三大品牌开始实行自由互转,用户在由一个品牌转向其它品牌时不用更换原有的手机号码,即携号转品牌。北京移动客服人员介绍说,携号转品牌的意义在于。用户如果对现有的品牌不满意,可申请其他品牌,申请成功后将享受其他品牌的资费套餐。    网内互转    2006年10月,工业和信息化部发布了《关于保障移动电话用户资费方案选择权的通知》(下称