情恋雪域文化 构建西藏大美——访西藏美协主席韩书力

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韩书力是汉藏文化交流的践行者,更是享誉海内外的知名画家。从第六届全国美展获金奖的《邦锦美朵》,到1992年获首届加拿大枫叶奖和国际水墨大赛金质奖的《佛印》,再到鸿篇巨制的历史油画《金瓶掣签》,以及国家重大历史题材《东方祥云--和平解放西藏》等,一批批具有浓郁西藏特色又充溢东方情韵的独运匠心之作,奠定了他在当代画坛的重要地位。在学术理论方面他也颇有建树,他编著的《西藏艺术雕刻卷》《西藏艺术集萃》等成为全面介绍西藏传统艺术的权威论著。他扎根雪域高原的近四十年间,是西藏艺术由“神本”走向“人本”的过程,也是西藏艺术走出国门走向世界的过程。正是这位西藏美协主席的不懈努力,将“西藏绘画新流派”逐渐推向成熟,并孕育了具有西藏绘画独立面貌“西藏画派”的诞生。 Han Shu Li is a practitioner of cultural exchanges between China and Tibet, but also well-known painter at home and abroad. The “Golden State” from the sixth national art exhibition won the Gold Medal, the first Canadian Maple Leaf Award in 1992 and the International Ink Competition gold medal, “Buddha India”, to the grand monumental historical painting “Golden Draw”, and The major historical theme of the country, “Oriental auspicious clouds - the peaceful liberation of Tibet”, a group of batches approved by the Tibetans with strong Tibetan characteristics and full of Eastern Yun Yun’s masterpiece, laid him an important position in the contemporary art scene. He also made a lot of achievements in academic theory. His “Collection of Tibetan Carvings of Art” and “Collection of Tibetan Art” became the authoritative treatises on the comprehensive introduction of Tibetan traditional art. He has taken root in the snow-covered plateau for nearly four decades and is a process in which Tibetan art has moved from “God ” to “humanism ”. It is also a process in which Tibetan art goes abroad to go to the world. It is the untiring efforts of the chairman of the Tibet American Association to gradually push the “New School of Tibetan Painting” to maturity and bring forth the birth of an independent Tibetan painting “Tibetan School of Painting”.
引言/目的 基因组印记是指来自不同亲本的等位基因在发育过程中产生特异性的加工修饰,导致后代体细胞中两个亲本来源的等位基因差异表达的一种转录调控的表观遗传现象[1].这
丝瓜味道鲜美,是夏天人们主食的蔬菜之一。但萤火虫对丝瓜幼苗的危害却是令人头痛的事情,它不仅影响丝瓜的产量,甚至导致幼苗死亡。如何防治萤火虫呢? 偶然间,我从纱门、纱