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农产品营销是指农产品生产者与产品市场经营者为实现农产品价值一同经行的一系列的产品价值的交易活动。农产品生产者不仅仅需要向市场提供高品质、无公害的绿色食品,还需要大力解决农产品的市场营销问题。因此,分析解决农产品销售存在的问题,制定正确的种植养殖规划和产品营销策略,实现农畜产品多渠道畅销,使农业增效、农产品增值、经营者获利,是当前急需解决的问题。 Agricultural product marketing refers to a series of product value transactions between agricultural product producers and product market operators in order to realize the value of agricultural products. Producers of agricultural products not only need to provide the market with high-quality and pollution-free green foods, but also need to vigorously solve the marketing problems of agricultural products. Therefore, analyzing and solving the problems existing in the sales of agricultural products, formulating the correct plan of planting and breeding and product marketing, realizing the multi-channel selling of agricultural and livestock products, making agriculture more efficient, adding value to agricultural products and benefiting operators are the urgent problems to be solved urgently.
一般人总以为《石头记》① 的内容 ,写的是曹雪芹个人的身世遭遇 ,所以从《石头记》开始流传之后 ,就有许多关于作者和小说内容的猜测与传闻。自从胡适开启了所谓“新红学”
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一、工程质量问题和我国结构安全度设置水准现状中国土木工程学会最近召开了第九届学术年会 ,其主题是工程安全度及耐久性。这个主题应该说是近期来工程技术界的一个争论热点
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《中国工会财会》第三期刊登了本人一篇拙作《工会经费收缴绝非“一托就灵”》后,就有读者打电话给我,与我商讨有关经费委托代收问题。这里,我还想再说几句。 The third is
感恩教育是实施班级工作目标的有效途径,为培养学生良好的个性和健全的人格起到了重要的作用。开展感恩教育,让学生具有良好的情商,能有效增强班级凝聚力。 Thanksgiving ed