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目前,全省各地已进入汛期,部分地区在汛前已发生不同程度的地面塌陷、滑坡等地质灾害或险情。为加强全省汛期地质灾害防治工作,现就有关问题通知如下:一、进一步落实地质灾害防治责任制。对今年的省级地质灾害监测点(附后),实行严格的责任制,由省地质灾害勘查防治领导小组办公室与所在市(州)地矿行政主管部门负责人签订责任书。各市、州、县要 At present, all parts of the province have entered the flood season, and in some areas, geological disasters or landslides and other geological disasters have occurred to varying degrees before the flood season. In order to strengthen the prevention and control of geological disasters in the flood season in the province, we hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows: I. Further Implement the Responsibility System for Prevention and Control of Geological Disasters. This year’s provincial geological disaster monitoring points (attached), the implementation of a strict system of responsibility, by the provincial geological disaster investigation and prevention of Leading Group Office and the city (state) administrative department of geology and mineral resources signed the letter of responsibility. City, state and county to
轮状病毒是全球范围内引起儿童重症胃肠炎的首要病原 ,对该病毒近期在全球范围内所致疾病死亡率的估计 ,对评估防治轮状病毒疾病可能带来的收益是必要的。因此 ,该作者对 198
第三届中国广播电视学会电视译制片奖专题优秀栏目 The third China Radio and Television Society TV translation film feature excellent column
Nonverbal communication is one of the most important media of human communication. Sometimes noverbal language can compensate verbal behaviors fail to achieve.
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西宁市、各自治州人民政府,海东行署,省政府各委、办、厅、局: 盐湖资源是我省的优势资源。盐湖化工作为四大支柱产业之一,在我省经济建设和社会发展中发挥着重要的作用。但
美国匹兹堡大学医学院的一个研究小组发现 ,有酗酒家族史的人会影响后代的大脑 ,使他们在没有接触酒精之前就有嗜酒的倾向。这个小组对三十四名有酗酒家族史背景的少年进行了
广西罗城矿区呼略矿安全员王良孝全心全意为矿山安全生产服务,受到大家的赞扬。 1982年4月29日,中班工人尚未下井,王良孝提前走进220南运输大巷,闻到有股特殊气味。他打开瓦