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花县位于广东中部,水稻双季连作,早造以江矮早、矮脚南特;晚造以溪南、木泉等几个品种为主。三化螟一年发生五代,以第二代造成早稻白穗损失最大。1958年以后,由于大力兴修水利,改革耕作制度,为农业防治螟害创造了条件;并贯彻了综合防治措施,螟害率逐年下降。1958—1962年连续五年,螟害率均在0.5%以下;1963年遇到百年大旱,带来螟害的特大发生,经过及时防治,螟害率为1.33%。 Huaxian County is located in the middle of Guangdong. The rice is double cropped and even cultivated with early spring and short dwarf Nantes. Later, it was mainly made of Xixin and Muquan. Three generations of Borer occurred five generations a year, causing the second generation of white rice earliest loss of the largest. After 1958, due to vigorously water conservancy construction, reform of farming system, for the prevention and control of pests and diseases in agriculture to create the conditions; and implement a comprehensive prevention and control measures, the perennial rate of decline. For five consecutive years from 1958 to 1962, the rate of stem borer was less than 0.5%. In 1963, it encountered a hundred years of severe drought, which caused the pest occurrence. After timely prevention and control, the rate of stem borer was 1.33%.
患者是“消费者”吗?患者就医是消费行为吗?尽管目前社会上仍然对此存在争议,但我们总应有自己的“权益”吧。 Is the patient a “consumer”? Is it a consumer behavior
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一、标本的采压 条斑病的病叶标本,要求叶片平整,叶片和病斑的颜色,保持和田间一样色泽,条斑上附有金黄色小菌胶。 1.选择晴天露水干后采集。一方面可以避免叶片因湿度高而
黄胸散白蚁 Reticulitermes sperattls Kolbe 1885(=Leucotermes fluviceps Oshima 1911)是建筑物的大害虫之一。 近年来,在山东胶东的蓬莱、黄县、烟台、牟平、文登和威海
又到一年情人节,给心上人挑件礼物吧,除了玫瑰,再来点有创意、有品质、有文化的情侣小品吧!你中有我,我中有你,永远成双成对。  佳偶天成  这一对颇有情调的瓷偶,采用优质白瓷、影青釉烧制而成,头发、纹饰皆用手工捏制,灵动而富有生气。搁一对置于屋室,品味新中式淡雅透出的甜蜜;送一对给新婚的夫妇,让美好的祝愿永存。  出品:玉蝌蚪  工艺:泥塑  规格:高约23cm  价格:580元/对  黑白配  一