略议“ 乱世多史”

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“乱世多史”是我国古代史学史上的一种奇特现象.在历史长河中,中国作为一个统一的多民族大国.曾经经历过诸侯混战、封建割据的乱世时期,其中,春秋战国和魏晋南北朝历时最长,影响最大.在我国古代史学发展史上,春秋战国和魏晋南北朝又是人文蔚起、炳耀丹青的时代,出现了古代史学史上的两个高峰.为什么在列国兼并,分裂割据的硝烟弥漫社会动荡年代里,史学上能取得如此辉煌的成就?一、为了政治需要,各国统治者都重视利用档案修史.利用档案修史可以说是我国史学史上的一个优良传统,也是古代档案利用的一个重要方面.特别是在政治分裂之际.战争连年、政变骤起,废弑禅篡、政权更迭,各种诸侯为保社稷长久,都十分重视史学的政治功能.春秋战国时期,各诸侯国家都设有史官负责保管档案、记录国事,并利用档案编写国史,于是出现了周、鲁、齐、燕等国的《春秋》、晋国的《乘》、郑国的《志》、楚国的《梼杌》、秦国的《秦记》等上百种史书.生逢其时的孔子曾派弟子“求周史记,得百二十国宝书.”墨子也曾自称“吾见百国春秋.”可见当时各国利用档案修史的盛况. In the long history of history, China, as a united multi-ethnic country, has experienced the chaotic times of princes' melee and feudal separatism, in which the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Period and the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern Dynasties In the history of the development of ancient Chinese history, the Spring and Autumn Period and the Wei, Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties are also the era of humanism, Bing Yao Danqing, appeared two peaks in the history of ancient Chinese history Why the annexation of the country, split the separatist smoke In the era of diffused social turmoil, can historically achieve such brilliant achievements? First, in order to meet the political needs, all the rulers in the country value the use of archives for the history of the archives. Using the archives history-building can be regarded as an excellent tradition in the history of China's history and one of the ancient archives utilization Important aspects: In particular, during the period of political division, the war years, the coup d'état, the overthrow of doctrines and the change of political power and the various princes for the protection of the sailing for a long time all attach great importance to the political functions of the historiography. With the official in charge of keeping the file, recording the state affairs, and using the file to compile the history of the country, Zhou, Lu, Qi and Yan The Spring and Autumn Annals of other countries, the “Multiplication” in Jin Dynasty, the “Chronicles” of Zheng State, the “Chime” of Chu State and the “Qin Records” of Qin State. Disciples “seek Zhou Shi Kee, one hundred and twenty national treasures book.” Mozi also claimed that “I see the Spring and.” Visible at that time the history of the file using history.