Preliminary study of application effect of bamboo vinegar on vegetable growth

来源 :Forestry Studies in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangzzxb
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This paper reports the effects of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescense) vinegar, with different diluents, on the growth of lettuce, cole and cucumber based on field tests. The results show that moso bamboo vinegar with 500–800 times dilution had good effect on the growth of tested vegetables. The harvest of vegetables increased from 18.8%–20.2% compared with a control. The height and the weight of the average single vegetable tested also increased. The main components of moso bamboo vinegar were analyzed by GC-MS and the positive effect on the growth was, in the first instance, attributed to a synergistic effect of trace amounts of the main components of bamboo vinegar. This paper reports the effects of moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescense) vinegar, with different diluents, on the growth of lettuce, cole and cucumber based on field tests. The results show that moso bamboo vinegar with 500-800 times dilution had good effect on the The harvest of vegetables increased from 18.8% -20.2% compared with a control. The height and the weight of the average single vegetable tested also increased. The main components of moso bamboo vinegar were analyzed by GC-MS and the positive effect on the growth was, in the first instance, attributed to a synergistic effect of trace amounts of the main components of bamboo vinegar.
高分辨熔解曲线(high resolution melting,HRM)分析技术是一种高效,快速,便捷的核苷酸检测方法.本实验从染料用量、模板浓度、产物片段长度3个方面探索了适宜HRM分析的最佳条