
来源 :航空工艺技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gx008
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钛和钛合金材料的优点是比强度高,耐热性、耐蚀性好,所以在飞机结构中得到了普遍的应用。它的缺点是塑性差、塑性变形范围小、回弹大、缺口敏感性高,因此用常规的方法在室温下只能制造形状简单、变形量小的零件,多数零件需在热状态下成形和校形。从生产实践中体会到,使钛板在温度、时间、压力三者的联合作用下成形和校形,将能获得贴模 Titanium and titanium alloys have the advantages of high strength, heat resistance, corrosion resistance, so the aircraft structure has been widely used. It has the disadvantage of poor plasticity, small plastic deformation range, large springback and high notch sensitivity. Therefore, conventional methods can only manufacture parts with simple shapes and small deformations at room temperature. Most parts need to be formed in a hot state School shape. Experience from the production of experience, the titanium plate in the temperature, time, pressure under the combined action of the three forming and calibration, will be able to get stickers
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13.后踢放腿 (1)预备姿势 图1左平安步。 (2)拳的位置 拳背向下,两拳置于两侧肋腹部。 (3)目标 攻击对方中段要害部位。(4)踢腿方法图2、3用平安步的后脚(此时是 13. kick
重庆大礼堂是重庆市的标志性建筑 ,是重庆市的的象征。重庆作为直辖市后 ,大礼堂在文艺演出方面所起到的作用将会增强。因大礼堂是老建筑 ,它的结构已经确定 ,承载受到限制 ,