
来源 :中国电力企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangpei999
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县级供电公司办公室作为一种承上启下、协调左右、联系内外的中枢地位,除了具有服务、辅助、执行、管理等特征外,还有其鲜明的协调性和综合性。这就决定了管理的语言艺术和人际关系的处理在办公室工作中有着举足轻重的作用。如何掌握好语言分寸,搭建起和谐的人际关系成了目前县级供电公司办公室工作的一个主要内容。学会宽容、理解办公室作为一个单位的神经中枢,如何运用好语言艺术,有序地处理日常行政事务,较好地做好上传下达的工作成了办公室工作的一个必修课。办公室管理人员要深刻了解企业在发展进程中需要各方面的人才,各种人才都是企业发展的需要。只有努力提高自身的素质,才能学会宽容待人,要在心理上接纳别人,理解别人的处世方法,尊重别人的处世原则。这样就能在和别人说话时,接受别人的长处之时接受别人的短处、缺点与错误,在任何事情上学会换位思考,多用宽容理解的语言,这样才能真正做到和同事和平相处。对待同事的失误就能多点理解少点抱怨,多点善意的批评少点讽刺和嘲笑, County-level power supply company’s office, as a kind of central position that links up, coordinates and contacts both inside and outside, has its distinctive coordination and comprehensiveness in addition to the features of service, assistance, execution and management. This determines that the management of language arts and the handling of interpersonal relationships play an important role in the work of the office. How to grasp the language sense of propriety and establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship has become a major part of the work of county-level power supply company’s office. Learn to be tolerant, understand the office as a unit of the nerve center, how to make good use of language arts, orderly handling routine administrative affairs, and better done the work of the upload and download has become a compulsory part of the office work. Office managers should have a profound understanding of the enterprises in the development process needs all aspects of talent, all kinds of personnel are the needs of business development. Only by working hard to improve their own qualities can we learn how to tolerate others, psychologically accept others, understand other people’s ways of doing things, and respect other people’s principles of life. In this way, we can accept the shortcomings, shortcomings and mistakes of others while accepting the strengths of others, learn empathy in any matter, and use the language of tolerant understanding so that we can truly live in peace with our colleagues. The mistakes can be more colleagues to deal with less complain, more kind-hearted criticism less ironic and ridiculed,
据《南方日报》报道,近日在日前深圳龙岗区召开的“迎奥运,交通秩序百日整治大行动”启动仪式上,主管交通综治等工作的深圳副市长张思平谈及自己的亲身经历,并向 According
过了唐古拉山山口,就进入西藏了,我们的可可西里之行就这样凝固在记忆中 After crossing the Tanggula Mountain Pass, we entered Tibet and our trip to Hoh Xil Province