Transformation of 1-D Chiral-chained Titanium Phosphate to 2-D Layer Structure Through a 1-D Zigzag

来源 :Chemical Research in Chinese Universities | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilovegigi2
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The transformation of titanium phosphate from 1-D chiral- chain(JTP-A) to 2-D layer(TP-J1) has been carefully investigated. Through a hydrolysis-condensation self-assembly pathway, the crystals of TP-J1 can be obtained from the JTP-A phase under hydrothermal conditions. An intermediate material with zigzag chain during the transformation was observed by XRD characterization. A hypothesis of the transformation mechanism is also described in this article. It is noteworthy that ethylenediamine plays an important role in the transformation. The transformation of titanium phosphate from 1-D chiral-chain (TP-J1) has been carefully investigated. Through a hydrolysis-condensation self-assembly pathway, the crystals of TP-J1 can be An intermediate material with zigzag chain during the transformation was observed by XRD characterization. A hypothesis of the transformation mechanism is also described in this article. It is noteworthy that ethylenediamine plays an important role in the the transformation.
那是1992年7月,我刚从技校毕业,被分配在童亭煤矿机电科安装队从事井下皮带机、链板机的安装工作。和我一起分来的同届同学有十几个人,彼此都不陌生。 That was July, 1992,
The composites were prepared by ball-milling ZrO_2(3%Y_2O_3) and γ-Al_2O_3 nanoparticles, pressing unidirectionally, cold-pressing isostatically and pressurele
近几年,河南省南阳市各级民政部门把依法行政作为建立健全民政工作体制和运行机制的一项重要举措,强力推进,务求实效,具体做法是: 一、抓领导,提高思想认识 我们通过召开局长办公会
单就安监处长这一职位来说,兴隆庄矿安全生产8周年的成果足以让人感到欣慰和自豪。但对全国煤炭系统劳动模范、全国优秀生产能手、党的十六大代表、感 For the position of