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对于一个中学教师,还有什么事能比自己的一个很有发展前途的得意学生滑向犯罪的深渊更遗憾、更内疚、更难忘呢? 小Q是我任教12年里见到的最有学习英语才华的孩子,当别的学生每天为背单词和课文苦恼的时候,小Q当堂就能默写出新课的生词和新句型,并用它们造句,第二天就能在课堂上朗朗背诵新课文。我在课堂上进行口语教学时,发言最积极、与我配合最默契的就是他。而且,他的发音也是班上最好的。我曾怀疑他偏科,但他的班主任告诉我,他的各科成绩都名列前 For a middle school teacher, what is more regrettable, more guilty, and more memorable than one of his promising students who slide into the abyss of crime? Little Q is the most learned I have ever seen in 12 years of teaching. English-speaking children, when other students are distressed by words and text every day, small Q can dictate the new words and new sentences of the new lesson, and use them to make sentences, and they can recite the lesson in the next day. New text. When I was teaching oral English in class, it was him who spoke most actively and had the most understanding with me. Moreover, his pronunciation is also the best in the class. I had doubts about his partial school, but his head teacher told me that his grades were among the top scores.
例1 方程|x-2|+|x-3|=1的实数解的个数有( )。 (A)2个 (B)3个 (C)4个 (D)无数多个 (1992年“祖冲之杯”初中数学邀请赛试题) 解易见当x>3或x3 or x
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随着人口老龄化程度的加剧,老年性痴呆已成为全球共同关心的社会问题。医学专家将老年性痴呆病症分为 As the ageing of the population intensifies, senile dementia has
如今,各中学及家庭对青少年的责任、公德等素质教育显得极为苍白,致使他们存在着心理承受能力脆弱、自理自立能力缺乏等诸多缺憾,部分青少年问题研究专家急切呼吁—— Toda
我是一个自幼失明的盲童,是妈妈搀扶着我摆脱了黑暗世界的恐惧与痛苦,找到了一条属于我自己的路。在我心中,妈妈是我黑暗中一个美丽的光明使者。 16年前,妈妈怀着一颗骄傲、