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从20世纪初到现在,在不到100年的时间里,由于两次世界大战的影响和冷战时期军备竞赛的需要,潜艇技术得到了全面、系统和快速地发展。电力推进系统作为潜艇这样一个庞大系统中的一个子系统,也经历了不断改进与完善。从原理上来说,任何一个电力推进系统都由电源、推进电机、控制装置组成。根据电力推进系统是否作为潜艇的主要动力,通常将电力推进系统分为主动力型和辅助动力型。电力推进系统发展的动因主要来自技术发展和使用要求两个方面,既有其客观规律性,又反映了军方的主观要 From the beginning of the 20th century to the present, in less than 100 years, due to the impact of the two world wars and the needs of the arms race in the cold war era, submarine technology has been developed in a comprehensive, systematic and rapid manner. As a subsystem in a huge system such as a submarine, the electric propulsion system also underwent continuous improvement and improvement. In principle, any one of the electric propulsion system by the power, propulsion motor, control device. According to whether the electric propulsion system is the main power of a submarine, the electric propulsion system is usually divided into a primary type and an auxiliary type. The motivation for the development of electric propulsion system mainly comes from the two aspects of technology development and application requirements, both objective and regular, but also reflects the military's subjective
各种“花花绿绿”的迷彩伪装作战服,从色彩、图案、迷斑到材料、式样,都蕴含着深奥的伪装学学问…… All kinds of “colorful” camouflage combat clothing, from color,
以工业和信息化部为中国移动、中国电信和中国联通发放3张第三代移动通信(3G)牌照为标志,我国真正开始进入3G时代。 With the Ministry of Industry and Information Techno
你所率领的特遣队的任务是沿着Axis Mustang进攻,占领OBJ Patton地区,摧毁敌第152多管火箭炮营,以取得防御纵深,并防止敌人进攻第2作战营的北翼。你的连稳步进攻并已进入支援
F-14“雄猫”(Tomcat)是格鲁门公司研制的双座变后掠翼超音速舰载战斗机,主要用于护航、舰队防空和执行近距支援任务。先后发展有 F-14A、B、C、D和 RF-14A 战术侦察型。F-1