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  Thousands of troops have been returning to bases in the United States as Washington completes its drawdown of forces in Iraq. Planeloads of soldiers have been arriving ahead of a December 31 deadline to withdraw from Iraq.
  Home for the holidays, with a heros welcome.
  This was the last of several deployments in Iraq for U.S. Army Major Mike Williams.
  “Its a sensational experience and the feeling is, I guess, of euphoria,” said Williams.
  Williams is one of the tens of thousands leaving Iraq after President Obamas decision to bring home the troops by the end of the year.
  After eight years and with more than 4,000 Americans killed, troops are back on home soil.
  Thousands are returning to Fort Hood alone, turning in their guns, and preparing for life at home.
  The smell of freshly baked Christmas cookies, and hugs from his children mean for Williams that he is home, and this time he can plan to stay for some time.
  His wife, Royann, has been on her own with the children. She says she is not sure if this was the right time for U.S forces to leave Iraq but she savors the moment of her husbands return.
  “Its wonderful,” she said. “We havent been able to stop smiling and get the house decorated for Christmas because we waited for him and its been wonderful.”
  She reflects on the suffering and the sacrifice that her family has had to make in the past eight years and says that for her, none of it was in vain if it means her children will live in a safer world.
  “I would rather try to fight the terrorists on another soil than our own and if he had to go back as many times as he did, for our children hopefully not to have to go back over there,” said Royann Williams. “As long as it was done right this time, its definitely worth it.”
  Williams came under fire several times in Iraq. But he says the biggest reward is knowing that he did his part to make his country safer by ridding Iraq of Saddam Hussein and fighting terrorist groups like al Qaida.
  “It was a great accomplishment in terms of, weve liberated a nation, weve taken care of the enemy on his soil, versus having him coming to the United States and attacking us again,” said Williams. “And I think in the long run I think it has saved a lot of soldiers and a lot of civilians in our country from having to make the ultimate sacrifice and having another 9/11.”
  Williams, like thousands of others returning to Fort Hood, is going through a reintegration program and getting ready for his new role as a soldier at base.
  “[My] personal plan now is to reintegrate with my family, get reset, refit, go back to my unit after the holidays and start getting our unit going through that whole refit process that you do when you reset all your equipment, get back into soldiering again,” he said.
  Williams says the war against terrorism is not finished and his job now is to get ready for the next engagement, whenever and wherever it may be.
  For his family, this homecoming marks the advent of a new period of peace at home.
一、 概述  函数与方程是高中阶段一个重要的数学思想,其中蕴含了转化与化归思想,函数的零点问题可转化为方程的解的问题,方程的解的问题也可以转化为函数零点的问题。  二、 例题讲解  【例1】 试讨论关于x的方程x2-2x=a-1(a∈R)的解的个数.  解析 因为原方程的解是函数y=x2-2x的图象与函数y=a-1的图象的交点的横坐标,所以只需作出函数y=x2-2x的图象,然后用水平
(1) 求函数f(x)的解析式并写出其所有对称中心;
任务型阅读(taskbased reading)是江苏省高考英语试卷从2008年开始引入的新题型,即让学生带着要求和任务阅读。一般是十个空,共十分。从2008、2009、2010和2011年的考题任务设置来看,2012年高考任务型阅读题目形式将仍是表格型或树状型,每空一词。  任务型阅读侧重考查学生的语篇分析能力,此外还有思维能力、词汇能力以及其他的语言深层挖掘能力等。简单地说就是考查学生在阅读
导数(导函数的简称)是一个特殊函数,它的引出和定义始终贯穿着函数思想。随着课改的不断深入,导数知识考查的要求逐渐加强,而且导数已经由前几年只是在解决问题中的辅助地位上升为分析和解决问题时的不可缺少的工具。  题组讲习  【例1】 已知函数f(x)=ax3+3x2-x+1在R上是减函数,求a的取值范围.  【例2】 已知函数f(x)=4x2-72-x,x∈0,1(Ⅰ) 求f(x)的单调区间和值
一、 填空题(本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.)  1. 函数f(x)=lg(2x-1)+(x-3)0的定义域是.    2. 函数y=-x2+4x-2在区间[1,4]上的最小值是 .    3. 912-log35的值是 .    4. 已知函数f(x)=a-12x+1,若f(x)为奇函数,则a= .    5. 已知函数f(x)=2x-5的零点所在区间为[m,m
Part One 单词专讲  1. sacrifice  分析:sacrifice n. 祭品,供奉,牺牲  The young man saved the child at the sacrifice of his life. 年轻人为挽救孩子而牺牲了自己的生命。  Many parents make sacrifices for their children. 许多家长为孩子作出了牺牲。  拓
It seems for the past few years, the news has been filled with stories of people who cheat: bankers bilking investors out of millions of dollars, politicians who cheat on their wives and constituents.
Part One 单词专讲  1. approach  分析: approach v. 对付,处理。相当于deal with, cope with, solve, settle等。  It is very difficult for us to approach this problem. 对我们来说处理这个问题是很难的。  拓展:approach n. 捷径,方法  They offered m
徐秀萍 如东市茶高级中学特级教师。 肯定不如双否好  修辞的使用在书面表达中算作很大的亮点,在高中阶段很少有学生会注重修辞的应用。双重否定也是种修辞,而且对于考生来说,只要稍加注意,可以在文章中设计双重否定的句子。例如想表达“邮递员天天准时到”,如果写成The postman comes on time every day,就不如变成双重否定,The postman never fails to