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  In 1996, treasure hunter Brock Lovett and his team are searching the wreck[1] of RMS Titanic for an invaluable diamond necklace, the Heart of the Ocean. They recover a steel safe containing a drawing of a young woman wearing only the necklace. The drawing is dated April 14, 1912, the day Titanic struck the iceberg. Later Rose Dawson Calvert visits Lovett and claims to be the person in the drawing, telling him her experiences aboard Titanic.
  In 1912, at the harbor of Southampton, a 17-year-old first-class passenger Rose, her fiancé Cal Hockley and her mother Ruth board Titanic. Distraught[2] over the engagement[3], Rose considers committing suicide by jumping from the stern. Jack Dawson, a poor artist, convinces[4] her not to.
  Because of Cal and Ruth’s disapproval, Rose rebuffs Jack to meet him again, but later realizes she has fallen in love with Jack. After the date on the stern at sunset, Rose takes Jack to her stateroom and displays[5] Cal’s engagement present: the Heart of the Ocean. Then she asks Jack to draw a sketch of her, serving as the witness of their love. The pair later notices that their ship is getting close to an iceberg and overhear the ship’s officers and designer discussing its seriousness.
  When the ship hits the iceberg and begins to sink, Rose gives up getting on the lifeboats with other women and children, wanting to stay with Jack who is still on board. All lifeboats have departed[6] and passengers are falling to their deaths as the stern rises from the water. As the
  stern sinks into the ocean, Jack finds a floating plank which can only carry one person. Jack helps Rose to get onto the a plank without a second thought and stays in the cold sea holding the edge of the plank. Jack makes Rose promise to him that she will die an old woman, warm in her bed. In the end, He dies from hypothermia in the sea but Rose is saved.   当船撞上冰山并逐渐下沉时,罗斯放弃了和其他妇女儿童一起登上救生艇的机会,而只想陪着留在船上的杰克。所有的救生艇都走了,由于船尾倾斜至上方,很多乘客从高处跌下摔死。随着船尾也渐渐下沉至海平面,杰克发现了一扇漂浮在海上的门板,但是门板上只能够承担一人的重量,杰克毫不犹豫地把罗斯扶上门板,而他自己只能抓着门板的边缘,留在冰冷的海水中。杰克让罗斯承诺要好好活下去,要在温暖的床铺上寿终正寝。最后杰克在海水中由于体温过低而死去,而留在门板上的罗斯获救了。
  Hearing Rose’s story, Lovett gives up the plan of looking for the necklace. Actually the necklace is not left in the wreck of Titanic but still kept by Rose. That night Rose comes to the place of Titanic’s wreck and drops the necklace, which she has kept for many years, into the sea. The necklace will bring Rose’s love to Jack and company[7] him forever.
  Love has always been hard to explain only by words. But on that ship—Titanic, the greatness of love is interpreted[8] incisively and vividly[9]. When disaster comes, not only the touching love between lovers but also profound affection between family members is totally expressed by the passengers. Most of them died in the accident but love is eternal in all ages.
  [1] wreck n. 失事
  [2] distraught adj. 发狂的;心烦意乱的
  [3] engagement n. 婚约
  [4] convince v. 说服
  [5] display v. 显示
  [6] depart v. 离开;出发
  [7] company v. 陪伴
  [8] interpret v. 解释
  [9] vividly adv. 生动地
【编者按】  本刊与国家文物鉴定委员会委员、故宫博物院研究馆员余辉先生进行专题采访,对话他近年研究北宋王希孟《千里江山图》卷的学术成果。针对文物爱好者深入鉴析的愿望以及青年学生的研究需求,访谈分主题徐徐展开,由浅入深、深入浅出,共计百余条,故此取名《百问千里》。文中夹以艺术史的研究方法和有关的学术调查、研究思路与相互讨论,并佐以珍贵的相关图片,进行连续刊载。在艺术史学界和出版界,这种发表学术研究成
Abstract: This paper mainly introduces the implementation plan of Henan mobile LTE wireless network intelligent operation and maintenance system. LTE intelligent operation and maintenance system is an
The Sky is blue.  The clouds are white.  The mountains are green.  How beautiful nature is!  天空是蓝色的。  云朵是白色的。  大山是绿色的。  大自然多美妙!  The flower is red.  The butterfly is yellow.  The peacock is colorful. 
姓名(Name): 吴双双(Wu Shuangshuang)  性别(Sex): 女(Female)  生日(Birthday): 2004年5月4日(May 4th, 2004)  生肖(Birthpet): 猴(Monkey)  班级(Class): 三年级一班(Class One, Grade Three)  性格(Character): 温柔内向(Gentle and introverte
编者注  爱因斯坦,美籍德国犹太裔,理论物理学家,相对论的创立者,现代物理学奠基人。1921年获诺贝尔物理学奖,1999年被美国《时代周刊》评选为“世纪伟人”。  中文名: 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦  外文名: Albert Einstein  国籍: 美国、瑞士双重国籍  民族: 犹太族  出生地: 德国乌尔姆市  出生日期: 1879年3月14日  逝世日期: 1955年4月18日  职业: 物理学
- Passage 1 -  ( )1. Which is the cheapest (便宜的) of all?  A. Hat. B. Socks.  C. Pants. D. T-shirt.  ( )2. How much are two sweaters and a hat?  A. $ 14. B. $ 20.  C. $ 21. D. $ 22.  ( )3. You can buy
编 者 注  1912年4月10日,泰坦尼克号从英国南安普敦出发,开始了这艘“梦幻客轮”的处女航。4月14日晚,泰坦尼克号在北大西洋撞上冰山。由于只有20艘救生艇,1523人葬身海底,造成了当时在和平时期最严重的一次航海事故。1997年12月19日上映的电影《泰坦尼克号》就是根据这一真实海难而改编。2012年4月6日,3D版的《泰坦尼克号》即将上映,敬请期待!    导演(Director):
展览时间:2014.03.05至 03.23  展览地点:上海刘海粟美术馆  主办单位:恒源祥香山美术馆、刘海粟美術馆、上海美术馆联盟  《景观与人文——18世纪意大利铜版画精品展》于2014年3月5日在刘海粟美术馆(虹桥路1665号)展示厅正式开幕。由上海文广集团搭建的“上海美术馆联盟”自去年成立以来,上海美术场馆之间的展览合作日益趋增,本次展览的主办方正是籍由这一平台首次进行馆藏艺术作品的交流
[摘要]寿石工是民国时期享誉京城的篆刻家和书法家,他教授金石篆刻,于北平艺术专科学校(中央美术学院前身)执教达三十年之久,在北方艺术界影响很大,被誉为“执北方印坛之牛耳”,是当之无愧的印林前辈。笔者曾撰有《寿石工的印学交游及其篆刻在旧京印坛的地位》一文。随着新资料的发现,笔者将进一步通过民国时期北方刊物及相关书籍中的散佚寿石工资料,对其生平事迹及篆刻艺术进行梳理,作为前文的增补和延伸。  [关键词
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