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高考补习班并不是单纯为了赚钱,也肩负着思想教育和培养人才的任务。补习生难教难管,要比普高学生难上若干倍。我首先对他们进行理想前途教育,帮助他们克服灰心丧气、失败气馁情绪,振作起来,顽强拚搏。同时使他们认识到,不只是上大学有前途,有了知识技能后,行行出状元,社会上的招工招干考试都可试一试。适当学习杰出人物顽强奋斗的事迹,对他们的心灵都会有些触动。如讲丘吉尔年青时曾不学无术,考军校三次落榜后才振作起来,刻苦攻读,终于成为世界著名政治家。补习生有强烈的自立意识,要经常接近学生,做学生的良师益友,杜绝空谈说教或简单训斥和行政命令的办法。否则会常常因一些小事和学生顶牛,产生感情隔阂。还应在允许的情况下,给他们以一定的宽松和自由。但该严格要求的还应该严,如上下课、自习、就寝的要求较严,这些事都是直接影响全体学生利益的,切不可疏忽大意。 Cram school exams are not simply to make money, but also shoulder the ideological education and personnel training tasks. Difficult to teach tutors difficult to teach, higher than the average student difficult times. I first give them an ideal future education to help them overcome frustration, failure, frustration, cheer up, tenacious struggle. At the same time make them realize that not only promising to go to university, with knowledge and skills, go all out to make money, the recruitment of workers in the community can try. Appropriate study of outstanding people tenacious deeds, their hearts will be some touch. For example, when Churchill was young, he never learned nothing and went to the military three times before getting on his way to cheer up and assiduously studying. At last he became a world famous politician. Tutors have a strong sense of self-reliance, we should always close to students, mentors and students, to eliminate talkative or simple reprimand and administrative order approach. Otherwise it will often be due to some small things and students top cattle, resulting in emotional barriers. They should also give them some leniency and freedom when allowed. However, the stringent requirements should be strict, such as going to school, attending self-study and going to bed strictly. All of these things have a direct impact on the interests of all students and must not be neglected.
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