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如果一家企业没有建立起科学的薪酬体系,没有建立起公平合理的分配机制,没把钱发给该发的人,那么,企业的主流文化理念一定是形同虚设,企业的核心价值观一定是模糊的、混乱的,即便字大如斗,仍属“口是心非”。因为此时,企业内部的价值衡量和待遇杠杆口径不一,薪酬的导向作用已经失效。但薪酬及其作用永远是有限的,随着总体收入水平的水涨船高,薪酬激励的边际作用更是凸显,中国人的人均工资均得到了很大提高,企业高管的薪酬有的比欧美的高管还要高, If a company did not establish a scientific pay system, did not establish a fair and reasonable distribution mechanism, did not send the money to the hair, then the mainstream culture of the enterprise concept must be non-existent, the core values ​​of the enterprise must be vague, Confusion, even if the word as big as bucket, still “mouth is wrong ”. Because at this point, the internal value of the enterprise measurement and treatment of different leverage, the role of compensation has failed. However, the remuneration and its role will always be limited. As the overall income level rises and falls, the marginal effect of remuneration incentives is even more prominent. The average per capita salary of Chinese people has been greatly increased, and the remuneration of corporate executives is somewhat higher than that of Europe and the United States Tube is even higher,
中药清毒补正合剂与美沙酮 (M)对照治疗海洛因依赖患者 4 0例 ,每组各 2 0例 ,结果显示两组控制戒断症状均较满意 ,说明清毒补正合剂与美沙酮有相近似的治疗效果 ,且此药疗程
近日 ,我们在广州白云区江高镇南岗村周汝钧曾孙周绍煊先生手中发现了光绪十八年(1892)赐周汝钧进士匾额、钦点主事分刑部匾额和光绪二十年(1894)赐周汝钧诰命匾额各一方。这批匾额的发
文章阐述了水库工程、河道治理工程、农田水利等工程的防洪减灾作用,并对农田基本建设存在不足提出建议。 The article expounds the flood control and disaster mitigatio
In this study, a UV-curable polysiloxane methacrylate (PSMA) was synthesized by a one-step method. The reaction was catalyzed by chloroplatinic acid between pol
香荚兰是广泛应用于日化和食品香精中的一个原料。在食品香精中,它常用于冰淇淋和糖果中。在日化香精中,它可以用于各种空气清新剂、香水和个人护理产品中。 Vanilla is wid