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南××,26岁,住院号85—384,末次月经84年4月10日,预产期85年1月17日。患者剧烈活动后,于2月2日开始出现阵发性腹痛,疼痛剧烈.次日午后四时破水,经当地卫生所医生检查:宫缩乏力,疑为双胎送我院就诊。查体:营养发育佳,妊娠足月腹型,宫底剑下2 cm,右上腹明显膨隆,胎位左枕前,胎心130次/分,自脐右侧三横指处斜向左下方可触及约3×3×10cm之索条状物,质地中等。骨盆各径线均正常,宫缩乏力.约5—15分钟一次轻微宫缩。阴道已婚未产型,有少量羊水溢出,宫口开2 cm,可触及胎头。化验血、尿无异常。治疗经过:患者于晚6时入院,因宫缩乏力,行静脉点滴催产素10U 加5%葡萄糖,20滴/分,4小时后宫缩无进展,宫口仍开2 cm,穹隆部依稀可辩螺旋纹。胎心增快154次/分,出现宫内窘迫。晚11时在局麻下行剖宫取胎术;开 South × ×, 26 years old, hospital number 85-384, the last menstrual 84 years April 10, the expected date of January 17, 85. After intense activity, patients began to have paroxysmal abdominal pain and severe pain on Feb. 2. Broken water at four o’clock in the afternoon of the next day and checked by a local clinic doctor: Uterine atony, suspected twin delivery to our hospital. Physical examination: good nutrition and development, gestational full-term abdominal type, the bottom of the sword 2 cm, the right upper quadrant was significantly bulging, the fetus before the left pillow, fetal heart rate 130 beats / min, Touch about 3 × 3 × 10cm of the cable, medium texture. Pelvic diameter lines were normal, uterine atony. A slight contraction of about 5-15 minutes. Unmarried vaginal birth, a small amount of amniotic fluid overflow, cervix open 2 cm, palpable head. Blood tests, urine no abnormalities. After treatment: patients were admitted to the hospital at 6 pm due to uterine inertia, intravenous drip oxytocin 10U plus 5% glucose, 20 drops / min, no progress after 4 hours of uterine contractions, cervix still open 2 cm, vault Department vaguely Argument spiral pattern. Fetal heart rate increased 154 times / min, intrauterine distress. 11 o’clock in the local anesthesia cesarean fetus fetus; open
1 .专家论坛斯德哥尔摩国际水会议的历史、现状和将来方子云 (第 4期 )……………………………………………………三峡工程永久船闸高边坡的科技攻关及其在布置方案优化中的
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我科自1979年6月至1985年10月,对妊娠13~21周者进行钳刮人流术566例,效果较满意,报道如下: 一、临床资料与方法本组孕13~16周者512例(90.5%);17~21周者54例(9.5%),其中20~21周者10
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