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不知不觉中,我们迎来了春天,身边突然增添了许多绿色,耳边常常听到小鸟清脆的叫声……你看,小河边的柳树骄傲地摇着绿色的长辫子,让人想起“碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦”。你看,公园里的小草争先恐后地钻出地面,给大地铺上了绿色的毯子,让人想起“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生”。你看,果园里的桃树绽开了粉红的花儿,小朋友们在桃花下捉迷藏,让人想起“人面桃花相映红”“桃 Unconsciously, we ushered in the spring, suddenly added a lot of green around, ears are often heard crisp sounds of birds ... ... you see, the willows proudly rocked the green long braids, people Think of ”Jasper makeup into a tree high, 000 hanging green silk sash “. You see, the grass in the park scrambling to drill the ground, to the earth covered with a green blanket, reminiscent of ”wildfire, spring breeze again “. You see, peach trees in the orchard blooming pink flowers, children hide and seek under the peach, reminiscent of ”peach blossom red “ ”peach
小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)是世界上最重要的作物之一,占世界食用干物质的28%,在几个发展中国家占每日卡路里摄入量的60%。营养不足是发展中国家公共卫生的严重问题。与锌和铁缺乏有关的营养问题影响全世界超过20亿人。据世界卫生组织估计,世界上约有25%的人口患有贫血症,全世界估计有17.3%的人口存在锌摄入不足的风险。农艺生物强化是一种被认为更具可持续性,经济性且易于实现对抗锌和
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