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《幼儿园工作规程》中指出:“幼儿园应在各项活动中,依据幼儿不同的心理发展水平,注重培养幼儿良好的心理品质,促进幼儿的个性和能力的全面发展。”良好的心理品质是一个人取得成功的基本条件,更是其心理健康的重要标志。对于生活在农村的孩子,在农村教育资源匮乏和家长的整体水平不高的情况下,培养具有良好心理品质的好孩子就落在幼儿教师的身上。 Kindergarten Rules of Practice states: “Kindergartens should, at each activity, pay attention to cultivating young children’s good psychological quality and promoting the all-round development of young children’s personality and ability according to their different psychological development levels.” Good psychological quality Is a basic condition for the success of a person, but also an important symbol of their mental health. For children living in rural areas, in poor rural education resources and the overall level of parents is not high, the cultivation of good children with good psychological quality falls on early childhood teachers.
A series of plasma-sprayed Al2O3-13wt%TiO2(AT13)coatings were sealed with silicone resin by using impregnating with and without ultrasonic excitation methods,re
Miriplatin,a cisplatin derivative with a high affinity for iodized oil,is a novel chemotherapeutic agent designed for use in the transarterial treatment of hepa
不是法西斯劫持了无辜的人民,而是狂热的百姓培植了邪恶的法西斯。暴政来自人们内心的阴暗处。通常我们总是认为:1933年邪恶的纳粹党窃取了德国的政 It is not fascism that
勤俭节约是一个古老的话题。自有人类以来它就伴随着人类文明的进化与发展。再富的豪门也要教育子女“一粥一饭,当思来之不易”;老百姓更是把勤俭节约当成了传家之宝,一种美德佳话。勤俭节约也是世界性的话题。人类社会发展到今天,科学技术迅猛发展,生产力水平空前提高,人类享受到了高品位的现代生活。对于学生勤俭节约行为习惯的养成,应该在平时以“随风潜入夜,润物细无声”的方式让学生潜移默化地养成。  一、不节约现象
The Ce2SO4/H2O2 containing solution is used to prepare a chrome-free cerium oxide based chemical conversion coating on AZ91D magnesium alloy at room temperature
Glass forming ability of the ternary Ni-Nb-Mo system was studied by ion beam mixing of the Ni-Nb-Mo multilayered films.In the experiment,metallic glasses i.e.am
In order to improve the weldability of duplex stainless steels,obtaining more secondary austenite in the weld metal is an effective way.Therefore,optimizing the