Green Charm from Green Design

来源 :Computer Aided Drafting,Design and Manufacturing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:AJ0704
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The way of making people like to use the product by emotional and aesthetic design and making product with charm is illustrated. Examples show that to solve the green charm problem and protect environment only by people’s responsibility and duty is far from enough. The most important is to attract people loving the green product from the bottom of their heart and to realize the harmonious union of the nature and human beings. The way of making people like to use the product by emotional and aesthetic design and making product with charm is illustrated. Examples show that to solve the green charm problem and protect environment only by people’s responsibility and duty is far from enough. The most important is to attract people loving the green product from the bottom of their heart and to realize the harmonious union of the nature and human beings.
水稻栽培技术在不断发展,我们引进旱育保姆进行初步研究。1材料与方法1.1供试材料 旱育保姆(江苏里下河地区农科所提供)。1.2供试品种“92109”。1.3试验设计 试验设在苗圃
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本文通过解读美国美学家、心理学家阿恩海姆的“表现”理论,认识到“表现”在艺术创作中的重要性,并期望在以后的绘画实践中有所帮助。 By interpreting the “performance