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1992年9月13日,齐秀平从邢台县白岸乡清泉村来到河北财经学院,徘徊在绿草如茵的校园里,她的眼里含着晶莹的泪水。她其实已经是这所高等学府财政系的学生了,然而,她此番来校却不是为了入学。直到几天前,母亲东挪西借才筹到200元钱,根本就不够上学的费用。看着母亲那张凄苦的脸,齐秀平哭了。她知道,自从父亲去世后,母亲早被艰难的日子压弯了腰,她知道,她的大学梦已经是无可挽回地破灭了。但是,她想去看看她考上的那所大学是个什么样子。“只看一眼,我就知足了。”她在心里对自己说。 On September 13, 1992, Qi Xiuping came to Hebei University of Finance and Economics from Qingquan Village, Shiban Township, Xingtai County, hovering in the grassy campus with tears in her eyes. She is already a student of the finance department of this higher education institution. However, she came to the universities this time instead of going to school. Until a few days ago her mother, Dong Naxi, borrowed only 200 yuan, which was not enough for attending school. Looking at her miserable face, Qi Xiu-ping cried. She knew that since the death of her father, her mother had been bent over by difficult times, and she knew that her college dream had been irreparably destroyed. However, she wanted to see what she looked like at the university. “Just look, I’ll be content. ” She said to myself in my heart.
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