
来源 :婚育与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houwenjin
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分娩是很痛苦的。有些产妇在分娩时一再要求医生给服止痛药,可医生一般都不会同意。因为在正常分娩过程中,即使没有使用止痛药,婴儿身体的氧供应量也会明显减少。如果在分娩过程中的不适当时间,给产妇服用止痛药,将会严重地危害婴儿的健康。为了减轻产妇分娩的痛苦,医务人员应给产妇及其家属讲解妊娠和分娩生理的有关 Childbirth is very painful. Some mothers ask their doctors to give painkillers repeatedly during childbirth, but doctors generally do not agree. Because in the normal delivery process, even without the use of painkillers, the baby’s body oxygen supply will be significantly reduced. Taking maternal painkillers at an inappropriate time during childbirth can seriously harm the baby’s health. In order to reduce the pain of childbirth, medical staff should explain to maternal and their families about the physiology of pregnancy and childbirth
每年藏历七月;在西藏高原有一传统的风俗习惯——无论男女老幼,皆赤裸下江河湖泊擦洗。据说在此期间,不论江水还是湖水,比寺庙的“圣水”还要灵验…… Tibetan calendar ev
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蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶非受体型22(protein tyrosine phos- phatase nonreceptor 22,PTPN22)是编码淋巴特异性蛋白酪氨酸磷酸酶(lymphoid protein tyrosine phosphatase,LYP)的基
孙女士再也没有想到自己4年无“喜”竟是宫内膜骨化占据了子宫 Ms. Sun never thought of himself 4 years without “Xi ” actually endometrial ossification occupy t
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