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1999年,中国GRE考试开始启用机考。3年过后,2002年8月,由于中国和韩国学生“史无前例”地在网上分享GRE考试的语文科题目,考试机构ETS决定在这些国家暂停GRE机考。在此之前,他们的根本不会想到,参加过GRE的中国考生会自发分享“机经”。到了2015年,这种“机经”一般由培训机构派人频繁参加考试,将题目记下整理而成。“机智”的中国考生还发明 In 1999, China GRE exam started using machine test. Three years later, in August 2002, as Chinese and South Korean students shared the GRE subject’s subject in Chinese language online, the examination agency ETS decided to suspend the GRE exams in those countries. Until then, they simply did not expect that GRE candidates will spontaneously share “Machine Sutra”. By 2015, this “machine ” by the training institutions to send people to participate in the examination frequently, write down the subject made. “Wit ” Chinese candidates also invented
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本文从建构主义理论出发分析了多媒体技术相对于传统教学方式的特征,探讨了多媒体技术在二语习得中的运用应注意的相关方面。 Based on the constructivism theory, this pa
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