
来源 :财税法论丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:simwwx
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敏锐地抓住2004年6月因国家审计署向全国人大常委会作《关于2003年度中央预算执行和其他财政收支的审计工作报告》而在全国各阶层所引发的巨大反响,对“审计风暴”所暴露的深层次财税法问题进行宪法层面的分析与解读。文章在论证宪法就是财政宪法,财政宪法在我国的现实可能性之后,指出财政立宪是我国通向宪政的一条重要路径。 Keenly grasp the tremendous response from all walks of life across the country as a result of the “Report on the Auditing of the Central Government’s Budgetary Execution and Other Fiscal Revenue and Expenditure” made by the National Audit Office to the NPC Standing Committee in June 2004, Storm "exposed the deep tax and tax issues of constitutional level analysis and interpretation. After the argument that the constitution is the fiscal constitution and the fiscal constitution’s realistic possibility in our country, the article points out that fiscal constitutionalism is an important path to our country’s constitutional government.
As electronic packages become more compact, run at faster speeds and dissipate more heat, package designers need more effective thermal management materials. CV
各省、自治区、直辖市劳动(劳动人事)厅(局),卫生厅(局),解放军总后勤部卫生部,新疆生产建设兵团,中华医学会高压氧学会: 为贯彻卫生部、劳动部《医用氧舱临床使用安全技术
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我有很多的名字,但人们通常把我叫做“风”。在春天,我是“和风”;在夏天,我是“熏风”;在秋天,我是“金风”;在冬天,我是“朔风”。  我的朋友也多如牛毛,其中小草弟弟是我最好的朋友。俗话说:“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”在我的帮助下,小草们日益强壮,构成了一片片绿草原。花儿妹妹也是我的朋友,她们一簇簇点缀在草原上,给朝气蓬勃的小草们增添了几分色彩。我的朋友——小鸟的歌声总能让我陶醉。潇洒的马儿在草原
曙光推出基于X86架构的第二代小型机服务器,并提供5年的免费服务。 Dawn launched the second generation of minicomputer servers based on the X86 architecture and pro
My chinese name is zhang lin yan. My English name is Sanny.I am a pupil in class 2 of grade 2.I like reading,I like writing,I like singing, I like dancing,I like swimming……  There are six people in my