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1 病历简介 患儿王×,女,8岁,因上腹饱胀不适2年,突然全腹疼痛1小时于1998年12月由当地卫生室转入我院。查体:T39.2℃,P110次/分,R26次/分,BP 14/9 kPa。患儿营养发育差,精神差,痛苦病容,查体欠合作;全身皮肤、粘膜无黄染及出血点,表浅淋巴结未触及肿大;头颅、心、肺查体未见异常;腹肌紧张,呈“板状腹”;无胃肠型及蠕动波;全腹压痛,反跳痛明显;肝、脾触诊不满意,肝脾区叩击症(+),无移动性浊音,震水音(-),肠鸣音消失。血常规示:RBC 3.2×10~(12)/L,HB 8.5 G/L,WBC 21.3×10~9/L,L0.10,N0.82。X线透视示:膈下可见半月形游离气体 1 medical records Children Wang ×, female, 8 years old, due to abdominal discomfort for 2 years, a sudden full abdominal pain for 1 hour in December 1998 by the local health room into our hospital. Physical examination: T39.2 ℃, P110 beats / min, R26 beats / min, BP 14/9 kPa. Children with poor nutritional development, poor health, pain and disease, physical examination owed cooperation; systemic skin, mucosa without yellow staining and bleeding, superficial lymph nodes did not touch the swelling; head, heart, lung examination showed no abnormalities; abdominal muscle tension Abdominal pain and rebound tenderness; liver and spleen palpation were not satisfied, liver and spleen percussion disease (+), no movement dullness, earthquake water Sound (-), bowel sounds disappear. Blood showed: RBC 3.2 × 10 ~ (12) / L, HB 8.5 G / L, WBC 21.3 × 10 ~ 9 / L, L0.10, N0.82. X-ray shows: the diaphragm can be seen under the moon-shaped free gas
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