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织金,以四季宜人的气候,神秘奇特的自然风光,深厚浓郁的人文历史、苗彝民族风情,富饶的地下资源而享有贵州西部“金三角”之称。全县总人口86万人,土地总面积2868平方公里,是国务院批准的对外开放县和国家生态建设示范县。织金是贵州著名的旅游资源大县,喀斯特景观丰富多彩,其中被誉为天下第一洞的织金洞景甲天下,省级历史文化名镇织金古城文物景观多达73处,精品迭出。织金是全国著名的重点产煤大县。优质无烟煤储量达129亿吨,占全省储量的1/4,其中具有高发热量、低硫、低灰等特点的低硫煤达35亿吨以上。此外,重晶石、大理石、硫铁矿、铝钒土、磷矿的储量也十分丰富。织金是生物资源大县,苡仁米、天麻、杜仲、黄柏、苦丁茶等数十种名优特产和中药材享有盛誉,其中清香型红托竹荪驰名中外,其产品荣获两项金奖,远销深圳、香港、台湾等市场,是全国最大的竹荪制种基地、生产基地和交易市场,织金县被中国食用菌协会在今年 Zhijin enjoys the reputation of the “Golden Triangle” in the west of Guizhou with its pleasant climate, mysterious and unique natural scenery, rich and rich humanities and history, Miao and Yi ethnic customs, and rich underground resources. The total population of 860000 people, the total land area of ​​2868 square kilometers, is the State Council approved the opening up of counties and national ecological construction demonstration counties. Zhijin is a famous tourist resources county in Guizhou, Karst landscape rich and colorful, which is known as the best in the world of Zhijindongjingjia world, the provincial historical and cultural town of Zhijin City Heritage as many as 73, . Zhijin is a famous coal producing county in China. High-quality anthracite reserves of 12.9 billion tons, accounting for the province’s reserves of 1/4, which has high heat, low sulfur, low ash and other characteristics of low-sulfur coal amounted to 3.5 billion tons. In addition, barite, marble, pyrite, bauxite, phosphate rock reserves are also very rich. Zhijin is a large biological resources county, yi nim, Tianma, eucommia, Treats, Kudingcha dozens of famous specialty products and Chinese herbal medicines renowned, of which the fragrance of red Dictyophora well-known at home and abroad, the product won two gold medal, far Sales in Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other markets, is the country’s largest Dictyophora seed production base and trading market, Zhijin County, China Edible Fungus Association in this year
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1996年 4月 ,昭平县委、县政府制定了《昭平县国有企业实行主管会计派遣制度的暂行规定》 ,决定对昭平县造纸厂、松脂厂、木材厂、水泥厂、铁合金厂、竹胶合板厂、木材公司、
如何让职业教育更有吸引力?山东龙飞技工学校以道德教育引领技能学习,多种形式联合办学解决了每一个学生的就业问题,走出了一条职业学校特色发展之路。 How to make vocatio