Thoughts In The Winter

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  One winter morning I awoke to see magnificent lines of frost stretching across my window panes. They seemed to rise with the sunshine and the bitter cold outside. They looked like little wonders that had been formed in the dark of the night. I watched them in amazement and was surprised that such beautiful forms could be born during such a winter-cold night.
  Yet, as I saw them I thought of how life is so like that. We live our long, worn days in the shadows, in what often feels like barren, cold winter, so unaware of the wonders that are being created in our spirits. It takes the sudden daylight, some unexpected surprises of life, to cause us to look upon a simple, exciting growth that has happened quietly inside us. Like frost designs on a winter window, they bring us beyond life’s ordinaries and remind us that we are not nearly as lost as we thought we were, that all the time we thought we were dead inside, beautiful things were being born in us.
  magnificent adj. 壯丽的
  frost n. 霜冻
  pane n. 窗格
  (Appreciate our beautiful life and experience many surprises it gives to us.)
  Cathy 改编
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前几天,老师为了让我们走进劳动的世界,理解劳动的意义,形成正确的劳动观点,并爱上劳动,给我们布置了一次特殊的作业:亲自种植一种植物,并进行观察。以前,我听妈妈说过黄豆是毛豆的种子。我一直疑惑不解:干干的黄豆怎么会长出绿绿的毛豆呢?于是,我决定种黄豆,争取把心中的谜团弄个水落石出。  今天下午,妈妈帮我买回一些黄豆。我从妈妈手里接过黄豆后,便仔细观察起来。我发现它们大小不一,身子圆圆的、滑滑的。接着
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