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腹痛是指胃脘以下、耻骨以上的范围发生疼痛而言,为临床常见病证,可见于多种内、外科等疾患。该证多由外感时邪,饮食不节,素体内脏阳虚以及情志因素而致。腹痛涉及的范围很广,故辨证时应根据病因、部位、疼痛性质等全面考虑。历代治疗腹痛之证,多宗《古今医鉴》所谓“痛则不通,通则不痛”之论,然张景岳却认为此说未必尽然。所谓痛则不通者,乃以闭结坚实而言,若腹无坚实、痛无积聚,此说则不可用。《诸病源候论》亦将腹痛专立单独病候,并将腹痛分急腹痛和久腹 Abdominal pain refers to pain in the area below the stomach cramps and above the pubic bones. It is a common clinical syndrome and can be seen in a variety of internal and surgical diseases. The card is often caused by exogenous evils, improper diet, visceral yang and emotional factors. The range of abdominal pain involved is very wide, so it should be considered comprehensively according to the cause, location, and the nature of the pain. History of the treatment of abdominal pain syndrome, many cases of “the ancient and modern medical Kam” so-called “pain is unreasonable, the general is not painful” theory, but Zhang Jingyue thinks this may not be completely. If the so-called pain is unreasonable, it is based on solid closure. If the abdomen has no solid, no pain and no accumulation, this statement is not available. The “Theory of Diseases and Diseases” also treats abdominal pain alone and treats abdominal pain in acute and abdominal pains.
本文通过动物实验,比较研究了不同剂量大黄(即临床治疗剂量3g 和超临床剂量6g)的血液流变学作用。结果表明,临床治疗剂量引起以血液粘度降低为主的双相变化,而超临床治疗剂量
本文通过动物实验,观察了“热毒清”注射液对以大肠杆菌内毒素在家兔体内所制作的 DIC 动物模型病理生理过程的影响。血液学和形态学的结果表明,本制剂对内毒素的 DIC 生物效
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肩负全国近9000家期刊的使命,200多家期刊的老总于 2003年4月8日至9日汇聚京城,参加中国期刊协会第三届 会员代表大会。 新闻出版总署副署长石峰到会讲话,并提出了中国期刊
本文应用薄层扫描法测定了复方茵陈注射液中黄连素的含量,测定结果可作为控制制剂质量指标之一. In this paper, the content of berberine in Compound Yinchen Injection
中国人参茎叶皂甙可以提高大白鼠在MG-2型迷宫中条件性回避反应的出现率和分辨学习的正确率,并且前者的提高程度较后者更为显著。 Chinese ginseng stem and leaf saponins