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目的:了解孕产妇在孕产期不同阶段的抑郁状况与各时点的自然转归情况,分析其影响因素。方法:中国疾病预防控制中心妇幼保健中心联合北京市海淀区妇幼保健院、山西省妇幼保健院、吉林省妇幼保健院、广东省珠海市妇幼保健院和广东省深圳市妇幼保健院5家妇幼保健机构共同构建了中国孕产妇心理健康队列研究,于2015年8月1日至2016年10月31日对孕产妇进行招募后开展了孕产期7个时点心理状况的随访追踪,利用自填式问卷和爱丁堡产后抑郁量表(EPDS)调查获得孕产妇一般人口学特征和抑郁状况等相关信息,并对其孕产期抑郁状况及自然转归情况进行分析。结果:共招募1 284人,将完成产后42 d随访且至少完成6次随访的调查对象纳入分析,共计1 210人。采用孕13周EPDS得分代表孕早期抑郁状况,采用孕17周和孕24周的平均分代表孕中期抑郁状况,采用孕31周和孕37周的平均分代表孕晚期抑郁状况,采用产后3 d和产后42 d的平均分代表产后抑郁状况。孕早、中、晚期和产后抑郁人数(%)分别为321人(26.5%)、218人(18.0%)、189人(15.6%)和219人(18.1%),孕早、中、晚期和产后抑郁状况均呈正相关(n P<0.001),其中孕早期和孕中期(n r=0.678)、孕中期和孕晚期(n r=0.771)以及产后和孕晚期(n r=0.706)相关性较强。在孕早期抑郁的孕产妇中,26.2%的孕产妇在整个研究过程均抑郁,42.7%的孕产妇出现产后抑郁。多因素分析结果显示,孕产妇文化程度本(专)科及以上(n OR=0.437,95%n CI:0.212~0.900,n P=0.025)、孕期运动锻炼(n OR=0.586,95%n CI:0.348~0.987,n P=0.044)、婚姻满意度高(n OR=0.370,95%n CI:0.221~0.620,n P<0.001)和体质指数(BMI)正常(n OR=0.516,95%n CI:0.270~0.985,n P=0.045)降低抑郁发生风险;对居住环境不满意(n OR=1.807,95%n CI:1.074~3.040,n P=0.026)增加抑郁发生风险。n 结论:我国孕产妇孕早期的抑郁检出率最高,孕中、晚期有所下降,产后抑郁检出率再次提高;且孕早期抑郁检出阳性者在孕中、晚期和产后多保持同样趋势。运动、BMI、文化程度、居住环境满意度和婚姻满意度会影响孕产妇抑郁的发生。“,”Objective:To investigate the depression status of pregnant and perinatal women in early, medium-term, late pregnancy and postpartum period in China and the outcomes of depression in each period, analyze the influential factors of depression status.Methods:By using the pregnant and perinatal women mental health cohort established by National Center for Women and Children\'s Health of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Haidian District Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Beijing, Women Health Center of Shanxi, Jilin Women and Children Health Hospital, Zhuhai Center for Maternal and Child Health Care and Shenzhen Maternity and Child Healthcare Hospital of Guangdong province, a follow up study was conducted at 7 time points during pregnancy and perinatal period in pregnant and perinatal women in Beijing, Shanxi, Jilin and Guangdong from August 1, 2015 to October 31, 2016. The self-filled questionnaire and Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) were used to obtain the general demographic information and depression status of the pregnant and perinatal women, and the depression status and natural outcomes of the pregnant and perinatal women were analyzed.Results:A total of 1 284 pregnant and perinatal women were recruited. In this study, a total of 1 210 subjects who completed follow-up at least 6 times and postpartum 42 day follow up were included in the final analysis. The EPDS depression score at the gestation week 13 was used to indicate the depression status in early pregnancy, the average EPDS score of gestation week 17 and 24 were used to indicate the depression status in medium-term pregnancy, and the average EPDS score of gestation week 31 and 37 were used to indicate depression in late pregnancy. The average EPDS score of postpartum day 3 and 42 were used to indicate postpartum depression status. A total of 321 (26.5%), 218 (18.0%), 189 (15.6%) and 219 (18.1%) pregnant and perinatal women were found to have depression, respectively, in early, medium-term and late pregnancy and in postpartum period. The depression status in early, medium-term and late pregnancy and postpartum period were positively correlated (n P<0.001), the correlation between early and middle pregnancy was strong (n r=0.678), the correlation between medium-term and late pregnancy was strong (n r=0.771), and the correlation between postpartum period and late pregnancy was strong (n r=0.706). Among the pregnant women with depression in early pregnancy, 26.2% were depressed during the whole study period, 42.7% were depressed during postpartum period, and the results of multifactorial analysis showed that the education level of college or above of the pregnant and perinatal women (n OR=0.437, 95%n CI: 0.212-0.900, n P=0.025), exercise during pregnancy (n OR=0.586, 95%n CI: 0.348-0.987, n P = 0.044), high marital satisfaction (n OR = 0.370, 95%n CI: 0.221-0.620, n P<0.001), normal body mass index (BMI) (n OR=0.516, 95%n CI: 0.270-0.985, n P=0.045) reduced the risk for depression. Unsatisfactory living environment (n OR=1.807, 95%n CI: 1.074-3.040, n P=0.026) increased the risk for depression.n Conclusions:In pregnant and perinatal women in China, the detection rate of depression in early pregnancy was highest compared with those in medium-term and late pregnancy. The detection rate of depression increased again in postpartum period. The depression status detected in the early pregnancy remained in the medium-term and late pregnancy and postpartum period. Exercise, BMI, educational level, living environment satisfaction and marital satisfaction can affect the incidence of depression in pregnant and perinatal women.
目的:在分析五种氧化锆陶瓷(Y-TZP)压痕尺寸效应实验数据基础上,确定计算和测试Y-TZP真实硬度的方法.方法:收集ASTM C1327-2015标准测试的五种Y-TZP压痕尺寸效应实验数据,然后对实验数据进行分析和评价.结果:数字光处理(DLP)、机械加工(MILL)、添加A3染料(A3)和无染料(NA3)四种Y-TZP材料硬度随压痕深度增大而减小并逐渐趋于固定值,电泳沉积(EPD)Y-TZP材料硬度随压痕深度增大先增后减并逐渐趋于固定值.结论:实验最小压痕深度远小于晶粒大小是产生逆压痕尺寸效应的原因
目的:应用实时荧光RT-PCR和半巢式RT-PCR方法检测和分析牡蛎中诺如病毒的基因特征。方法:应用实时荧光RT-PCR和半巢式RT-PCR方法,对2014年11月至2015年10月北京市采集的新鲜市售牡蛎进行诺如病毒GⅠ/GⅡ组并联试验检测,分析检出率,应用符合率和一致性检验(Kappa值)对半巢式RT-PCR方法进行可靠性评价,应用半巢式RT-PCR方法扩增诺如病毒GⅠ/GⅡ衣壳蛋白区基因,对阳性产物进行测序。采用BioEdit软件进行序列比对、Mega 6.0软件构建进化树。结果:7
由于艾滋病的隐匿性、艾滋病高危人群的特殊性、社会歧视的客观存在和艾滋病防控意识的淡薄等,使HIV感染者不易被及时检测和诊断。目前尚无法通过常规监测方法快速、准确地掌握艾滋病流行的整体情况,因此,需要通过估计和预测模型进行测量。在全球艾滋病监测领域,疫情估计始终是不可或缺的重要组成。几乎与最早发现艾滋病的时间同步,科学家们便开始了对艾滋病疫情估计和预测模型的研究。本文回顾和梳理全球和我国艾滋病疫情估计工作的发展历程,进一步理解疫情估计工作和方法变迁,为未来工作提供参考依据。“,”Due to the lat
HIV传播网络分析在艾滋病精准防控工作中发挥重要作用。目前研究方向主要基于社会网络和分子网络方法推断HIV传播网络,采用个体水平和网络水平的测量指标解释其结构特征。本文对HIV传播网络分析方法和测量指标的原理、优缺点和应用进行综述,为后续的深入研究提供参考依据。“,”HIV transmission network analysis plays a significant role in the precise prevention and control of AIDS. The current stu
目的:结合logistic回归与n χn 2自动交互检测法(CHAID)决策树模型探讨乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)宫内传播的影响因素及其相互关系。n 方法:选取2007-2013年在太原市第三人民医院产科分娩的689对HBsAg阳性母亲及其新生儿,通过问卷调查和病历查阅获得母亲及其新生儿的一般人口学特征、母亲孕周及分娩方式等基线资料,采用荧光定量PCR和电化学发光法分别检测母亲及其新生儿血清HBV DNA及HBV血清学标志物,通过构建CHAID决策树模型和非条件logistic回归
目的:了解江苏省心血管病(CVD)高危人群检出类型和聚集情况以及相关影响因素,为CVD防控提供参考依据。方法:对纳入筛查的120 211名对象,通过问卷调查、体格检查和生化检测收集相关资料信息。统计学分析采用n χn 2检验和多因素logistic回归分析。n 结果:研究对象CVD高危检出率为25.03%,其中高血压型、血脂异常型、CVD史型和WHO评估患病风险≥20%型检出率分别为19.01%、4.85%、3.18%和5.31%。男性、农村、年龄增长、文化程度低、家庭年收入
目的:探讨我国中老年人代谢综合征(MS)与日常生活活动能力(ADL)受损的关联,为提高人口健康预期寿命提供依据。方法:采用前瞻性队列研究设计,利用2011-2018年中国健康与养老追踪调查数据,以2011年数据为基线,分别在2013、2015和2018年随访ADL结局,且以2013年和2015年新进入队列的人群作为基线。剔除三次基线人群中已发生ADL的中老年人。采用Cox比例风险回归模型分析MS组分异常及异常数目对中老年人群ADL受损的影响。结果:观察总人年数为59 795人年,发生ADL受损人数为1 0
空间流行病学利用地理信息系统和空间分析技术研究疾病的空间分布特点及发展变化规律、探索影响特定人群健康状况因素,近年来逐渐应用于艾滋病防控领域。本文对其应用于艾滋病时空分布模式分析、非监测点地区数据推算、流行影响因素探索、卫生资源分配利用等方面的研究进行综述,为未来空间流行病学在我国艾滋病防控中的应用提供参考。“,”Spatial epidemiology focuses on the use of geographic information systems and spatial analysis to