患者,男性,30岁,干部,因双膝关节肿痛10天入院。10天前无明显诱因出现双膝关节肿痛,疼痛较剧,活动受限,表面有灼热,不能步行,时有畏寒发热,体温在39℃左右,无咳嗽咯痰,无流涕及头痛,无腹痛及腹泻,曾在当地某医院就诊(具体不详),疗效不显,而来我院。既往无类似发作。入院查体:T38.6℃,R22次/分,P98次/分,BP18/11kPa,神清,急性病容,送入病房。全身皮肤无疖肿,未见出血点,全身浅表淋巴结未扪及,心肺检查阴性,腹部检查无重要发现。肛门外生殖器未查。双膝关节肿胀,表面灼热,无波动感,关节活动受限,余关节无异常,双下肢无浮肿。NS(-)。入院后查抗“O”1250u,血沉120mm/h,类风湿因子阴性,血尿酸正常,免疫球蛋白正常,血细菌学培养阴性,WBC11.2×10~9/L,N0.70、L0.30,双膝关节 X 线摄片示关节腔轻度狭窄,未见骨质破坏,胸片正常。
Patient, male, 30 years old, cadre, hospitalized for 10 days due to double knee joint soreness. Ten days ago there was no obvious incentive to have double knee joint swelling and pain, pain more drama, limited activity, the surface has burning, can not walk, when chills and fever, body temperature around 39 ℃, no cough and expectoration, no runny nose and headache , No abdominal pain and diarrhea, had a local hospital (specific unknown), curative effect is not significant, but to our hospital. No previous episodes. Admission examination: T38.6 ℃, R22 times / min, P98 times / min, BP18 / 11kPa, Shen Qing, acute illness, into the ward. No skin swelling, no bleeding, systemic superficial lymph nodes not palpable, cardiopulmonary examination negative, no important findings of abdominal examination. Anal genitalia not checked. Double knee swelling, surface burning, no fluctuation, joint activity is limited, no abnormal joints, both lower extremities without edema. NS (-). After admission, the patients were challenged with “O” 1250u, ESR 120mm / h, negative rheumatoid factor, normal uric acid, normal immunoglobulin, L0.30, double knee X-ray showed mild stenosis of the joint cavity, no bone destruction, normal chest X-ray.