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日前,丽水市人大常委会组织机关干部旁听了该市莲都区某机关工作人员涉嫌受贿案的庭审情况,给大家上了一堂生动的职务犯罪警示教育课。今年以来,丽水市人大常委会积极探索党风廉政教育新途径,通过把警示教育地点从课堂搬到庭审现场,让旁听干部亲历法庭调查、法庭辩论等庭审程序,用身边的人和事来教育广大干部,取得了良好的警示教育效果。一位参加旁听的机关干部感慨道:“以前 A few days ago, Lishui Municipal People’s Congress Standing Committee cadres listened to the city’s Liandu District staff suspected of bribery case trial, to everyone on a vivid job warning education of education. Since the beginning of this year, Lishui Municipal People’s Congress has actively explored new ways of improving party style and anti-corruption education. By moving the warning education venue from the classroom to the courtroom, the observant cadres have to undergo court procedures such as court investigation and court debate to educate people and events around them Cadres, have made a good warning education effect. One cadre participating in the audit laments: ”Before."
On the basis of the experimental data reported in literature, the contributions of cationmass (m) and molar volume (V) to lattice heat capacity (C) were analyz
Objective:To determine the effects of a recombinant replication-deficient adenovirus encoding human tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-4(Ad.TIMP-4) on vascul
Objectives To develop a simple, accurate and reproducible method, which combines macro and histopathological techniques for determining the degree of lipid depo
一、前言为生产烤漆硬化冷轧钢板,对用转炉冶炼的含 P 铝镇静钢,在实验室里作了退火条件与固溶 C 量关系的研究并在现场进行了试制生产试验。 I. Introduction For the pro
Ⅰ、引言作者曾报道过含碳量不同的碳钢在 N_2-H_2混合气体中的离子氮化,并对这种离子氮化层作过研究。研究表明,基体含碳量影响化合物层的相成份和厚度,并影响扩散层深度。