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以往人们找工作,大都是通过报纸、电视等媒体或熟人介绍,得到招聘信息后前往用人单位应聘,经过笔试、面试等环节双向选择。对求职者来说,这种方式较为透明,用人单位在何处办公,属于哪个行业,规模及效益如何,应聘成功后自己将从事什么工作,薪水大概多少,等等,求职者都会有个基本了解。现如今,网络招聘成为主流,用人单位发布招聘信息,求职者投递简历,都在网上完成。这是时代发展与科技进步的必然。各类社交网站、QQ群或贴吧,为人们提供了海量的职位信息,求职者与用人方通过网络能够跨地域双向交流,便捷高效。但这种招聘方式的不足之处也很明显,比如原本需要面对面沟通的事项,或需要求职者实地考察的环节被忽略,很容易被不法分子钻空子,借机施展骗术,而有些人由于求职心切,很容易上当受骗。比如,有大学生因网上求职被境外间谍策反,有出租车司机网上找兼职陷入间谍泥潭,也有人被拉进传销组织……至于被骗子以各种名义收取费用损失钱财的,更是不乏其人。那么,网上求职,如何才能避开此类陷阱呢? In the past, people looking for work mostly through newspapers, television and other media or acquaintances, after obtaining employment information to apply for employment units, through written examination, interview and other links two-way choice. For job-seekers, this method is more transparent, the employer where the office belongs to which industry, the scale and effectiveness of how the recruitment success will be engaged in what the job, about how much salary, and so on, job seekers will have a basic To understanding. Nowadays, online recruitment has become the mainstream, employers release job postings, job seekers deliver resumes, are completed online. This is an inevitable result of the development of the times and the progress of science and technology. All kinds of social networking sites, QQ group or paste it, providing people with a wealth of job information, job seekers and employers through the network to cross-regional bi-directional communication, convenient and efficient. However, the inadequacies of such hiring methods are also obvious. For instance, matters that originally required face-to-face communication or field trips for job seekers were overlooked. It is easy for criminals to exploit the flames and take the opportunity to display tricks. Some people, however, , It is easy to be deceived. For example, some college students are spying on the Internet because of job hunting. Some taxi drivers find part-time jobs on the Internet and fall into espionage mines. Some of them are also being dragged into MLM organizations. As for fraudsters, fees are being charged for various expenses in the name of losing their money. . So, online job search, how can we avoid such traps?
人们为什么关注上司的八卦,一方面通过八卦与上司获得心理的平等;另一方面通过交换八卦信息,使自己在办公室政治中立于不败之地。  学者们忠告说:把八卦看作一种社交技能而非性格缺陷更可取。虽然你可能厌恶这玩意儿,但祖先们就是这么干的。  最近,美国诺克斯学院心理系教授弗兰克·麦克安德鲁从进化论的角度发表了对“八卦”的研究文章。他指出,“八卦爱好者”并非流行文化的产物,而是古已有之。先民们(石器时代)在建
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