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你住在非洲,每天去亚洲上班;我住在亚洲,每天去非洲购物。很奇怪是不是?有一个城市的居民就是这样生活的。埃及塞得港市位于非洲大陆的东北角,濒临地中海,是世界第一运河——苏伊士运河的北出口。这条繁忙的运河即是亚非大陆的分界线,又把塞得港市划为两部分,运河西边是塞得港,属非洲大陆;运河东边是富阿德港,属亚洲大陆。而两岸居民上下班、西去东来办事购物的主要交通工具,就是运河上的几条渡轮。我因公曾在塞得港市工作两年多,住在塞得,每 You live in Africa and go to work in Asia every day. I live in Asia and go shopping in Africa every day. Very strange is not it? There is a city residents live like this. Located in the northeast corner of the African continent, Egypt’s Port Said is on the verge of the Mediterranean Sea and is the northern exit of the Suez Canal, the world’s number one canal. This busy canal is the dividing line between the Asian-African continent and the port of Port Said is divided into two parts. To the west of the canal is Port Said, which belongs to the African continent. To the east of the canal is the port of Fuad, which belongs to the Asian continent. The main means of transport for residents on both sides of the Strait to go shopping and work in the west and east is the ferries on the canals. Since I worked in Port Said for more than two years, I lived in Sed
人各有志不能强勉。偏偏就有一种从不向命运低头的人,明知身患肿瘤,却也要豁出性命‘过把瘾’,为的是实现心中最神圣的夙愿。 People aspire to be strong. But there is a
早听说到中国杭州钱江观潮是件幸事。云年4月10日,我们一行包括香港著名导演、香港电影从业人员协 It is a blessing to hear about Qianchao in Hangzhou, China. On April
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