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近日,由我社举办的“华鲁杯”学习六中全会文件知识竞赛活动圆满结束。竞赛活动自2006年11月启动以来,得到了各级党组织和广大党员、干部、入党积极分子的积极响应,不仅有力地推动了对十六届六中全会精神的深入学习和理解,也促进了广大干部群众牢固树立科学发展观、积极投身全面构建社会主义和谐社会的实践。竞赛活动中,各级党组织高度重视、精心组织,广大党员,干部和群众积极参与,踊跃参赛。截止到2006年12月31日,我社编辑部共收到答题30115份,其中有效答卷30097份。活动中,许多党组织以集体组织形式参赛,党政机关、企事业单位,城市街道社区、农村乡镇等各级党组织共80余家单位提交答题22014份,占总数的73.1%;党员、干部和群众提交个人参赛答题8101份,占总数的26.9%。经对收回答题进行认真评阅和统计,我社组织有关人员在参赛单位中评出先进集体奖44名,在满分答卷中以公开抽奖的方式产生一等奖10名、二等奖30名、优秀奖50名。 Recently, the “Sixth Plenary Session of the Sixth Session of the Civic Cup” organized by our company successfully concluded the knowledge contest. Since its launch in November 2006, the contest has received positive responses from Party organizations at various levels and a large number of party members, cadres and party activists, which has not only effectively promoted in-depth study and understanding of the spirit of the 6th Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, but also promoted The cadres and masses have firmly established the scientific development concept and actively devoted themselves to the practice of building a socialist harmonious society in an all-round way. In the competitions, the party organizations at all levels attached great importance to and carefully organized the active participation of majority of party members, cadres and the masses in their participation. As of December 31, 2006, our editorial office received a total of 30,115 replies, of which 30,997 valid respondents. In the activity, many party organizations entered the competition with the form of collective organizations. Twenty-two dozen submitted 8214 questions, accounting for 73.1% of the total, from party organizations of Party and government organs, enterprises and public institutions, urban street communities and rural villages and towns. Party members 8101 submitted the individual contest entries by cadres and the masses, accounting for 26.9% of the total. After earnestly reviewing and collecting the answer questions, CCSA organized relevant personnel to appraise 44 advanced group awards in the participating units, 10 first prize winners, 30 second prize winners and 30 excellent winners 50 awards.
内容摘要:语文课堂教学的有效性是语文教学的关键,而这有效性能否充分实现,取决于教师能不能充分发掘出学生的兴趣,调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,能不能做到与文本的有机结合。有效的语文课堂教学既要注重知识的传授,情感的交融,又要注重智慧的培养和个性塑造。通过对小学语文课堂教学现状的分析,我们可以指出其存在的问题,并提出提高小学语文课堂教学有效性的措施,进一步促进小学语文教育的发展。  关键词:小学语文
目的测定乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)的医院感染阈值。方法在确定HBV携带者的感染剂量、最大传染性和传染所需最小血量的基础上,使用血液系列稀释法测定HBV的医院感染阈值。结果 HBsAg
分享作为一种经济行为,伴随着“互联网+”时代的步伐,以“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”之势,正在神州大地蓬勃兴起。可以用来分享的,不止房屋、汽车物品,还有劳务、技能、资金、知识、经验等等。  “人人皆可参与、人人皆可受益”的分享经济,受到了国务院总理李克强的多次关注。2016年5月24日,李克强总理在贵阳出席中国大数据产业峰会暨中国电子商务创新发展峰会时指出,共享经济不仅是在做加法,更是在做乘法
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目的探讨肝功能衰竭患者医院感染的特点。方法回顾性分析137例肝功能衰竭患者医院感染率、常见感染部位和常见菌株及其构成,感染与肝功能的关系及其对预后的影响。结果 137例