Development of RoboSot category soccer robots

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongguoidc
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In the RoboSot category, no central station or over head camera is allowed. Therefore several issues such as sensors, mechanisms and CPU boards must be taken into consideration before building an autonomous and intelligent system for this category. Each robot must have appropriate sensors and must be able to communicate with other robots to have timely information concerning the ball and robot position in the field. Computing power also becomes and improtant factor in implementing intelligence and autonomy onboard. These issues are discussed. Then the robot structure of the Dreams Come True(DCT) from KAIST is introduced. Each robot has a Pentium Π single board computer, and Ethernet card, and USB camera and an omni directional mobile mechanism. In the RoboSot category, no central station or over head camera is allowed. Therefore several issues such as sensors, mechanisms and CPU boards must be taken into consideration before building an autonomous and intelligent system for this category. Each robot must have appropriate sensors and must be able to communicate with other robots to have timely information concerning the ball and robot position in the field. Computing the power also becomes and improtant factor in implementing intelligence and autonomy onboard. Then the robot structure of the Dreams Come True ( DCT) from KAIST is introduced. Each robot has a Pentium Π single board computer, and Ethernet card, and USB camera and an omni directional mobile mechanism.
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