
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:entine
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脑脊液耳鼻漏最常见的原因是颞骨外伤、慢性耳病、肿瘤切除和先天性畸形。多数外伤或手术后脑脊液漏经头部抬高、加压包扎,偶用利尿剂,嘱不要经鼻吹、吸气等保守治疗能自行闭合。该文介绍保守治疗无效病例的治疗方法。①经颅中窝封闭咽鼓管:病者仰卧患耳向上,切口自耳屏向上约8.89cm,在颞线水平切开颅中窝,做5.08×5.08cm颅骨瓣,骨瓣的2/3在外耳道前方,1/3在外耳道后方。从颅中窝底向上掀起硬脑 The most common causes of CSF rhinorrhea are temporal bone trauma, chronic ear disease, tumor resection and congenital malformations. Most traumatic or postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leakage through the head elevation, pressure bandaging, dual use of diuretics, told not to nasal blowing, inhalation and other conservative treatment can be closed on their own. This article describes the treatment of ineffective cases of conservative treatment. ① transcranial middle cerebral foramen eustachian tube closed: the patient supine ear up, the incision from the tragus up about 8.89cm, cut at the level of temporal skull midfielder, do 5.08 × 5.08cm skull flap, bone flap 2/3 In front of the external auditory canal, 1/3 behind the external auditory canal. Lift the dura from the bottom of the skull
从本期起,原《中国创业投资与高科技》杂志更名为《中国科技投资》。《中国科技投资》就定位在投资与科技的结合点上,力做二者结合的桥梁。 Starting from this issue, the
美国休斯顿交通公司在出租车上安装了 1000套由澳大利亚 Ray Wood公司生产的 RDC- 2010型数字照相机。使出租车司机的安全更可靠。   这种 RDC- 2010型数字照相机装在车的后
近10年来,尽管对中耳炎的保守治疗取得了成功,但因中耳胆脂瘤手术的患儿数仍无改变。与成人不同,儿童中耳胆脂瘤症状常不明显,早期诊断困难。因 此,治疗常在晚期进行致疗效
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