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当代教学改革的主题是强调学生的主体作用,突出学生的自主学习和研究能力的培养。我在几年来的历史课堂教学改革探索中,从中总结出一些经验教训,认识到要让学生在教学中能真正发挥主体作用,必须从以下几个方面对学生自主学习能力进行全面系统的培养:1.探索识记具体知识点、概念的便捷途径知识获取的迅捷性、记忆的持久性和再认再现的准确性,是学习效率的首要体现。 The theme of contemporary teaching reform is to stress the main role of students and highlight the students’ self-learning and research capabilities. In my exploration of historical classroom teaching reforms over the past few years, I have learned some experiences and lessons from this, and realized that in order to enable students to truly play the main role in teaching, we must conduct a comprehensive and systematic cultivation of students’ autonomous learning ability from the following aspects: 1. Exploring the convenient way to memorize specific knowledge points and concepts The quickness of knowledge acquisition, the persistence of memory, and the accuracy of the reproduction of recognition are the primary manifestations of learning efficiency.
介绍了热管换热器的优点,它在小型锅炉上的几方面应用,以及热管换热器安装使用中的注意事项。 The advantages of heat pipe heat exchanger are introduced. It is used in
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和她的名字一样,梦子是一个梦一样的女孩。她最喜欢一首歌里的一句话:“心若在,梦就在。”梦子,她有着梦幻般出众的容貌:一双 Like her name, Dreams is a dreamlike girl.
“好一朵美丽的茉莉花……”是邻居家的小伙伴在弹钢琴,听着这乐曲,我不由想起《爱如茉莉》一课,我始终不明白作者映子为什么把爱比做茉莉。 “Good a beautiful jasmine .
美国高校的收费非常昂贵。据美国大学理事会(American Higher Learning Council)2003~2004年度统计,美国公立四年制高校每年收费平均为5,800美元,而私立大学每年收费平均为2.22万美元。名牌大学的收费更高,一般每年的费用高达3~5万美元之多。这样的收费即使对美国中产阶级家庭来说,也是一笔令人头疼的开支。  为了节省费用,很多学生不得不采取曲折求学的方式。例如,
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你是否会为看到蓝天而感到欣慰?也许你不会。但,如果只剩三天光明了呢?对我来说,三天太短了,短到我来不及悲伤,因为我还放不下太多太多。 Are you relieved to see the blue