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翻开西南铝近几年的生产经营报表,无意之中就会发现一个惊人变化:1999年公司实现铝材商品总量仅8.5万吨,2000年就实现11.6万吨,2001年达到14.6万吨,2002年创造了16.3万吨。每年一个变化,每年上个台阶,这种大变化揭示了什么呢?那就是:西南铝依靠品质的优良构筑起了一条从厂家到用户四通八达的驰骋大道。“西南铝”三个字已响当当地成为广大用户不加思索的首选! Opened in Southwest Aluminum production and management reports in recent years, inadvertently will find an amazing change: In 1999 the company achieved a total of only 85,000 tons of aluminum products in 2000 to achieve 116,000 tons in 2001 to 146,000 tons In 2002, it created 163,000 tons. Every year a change, each year a step, what is revealed by this major change? That is: Southwest Aluminum relies on the excellent quality of building a from the manufacturers to users lead in all directions of the avenue. “Southwest Aluminum,” the three words have been ringing local users become the first choice without thinking!
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诚实,讲信用,这就是我对诚信的理解。诚信,早已成为古人推崇的美德,它沐浴了盛世的阳光,经历了专制的铁蹄,流传至今。诚信不可抛。 Honest and creditworthy, this is my un
国企在管理上的通病是要么管不到位,要么管得太多。如何做到恰到好处呢?请看—— State-owned enterprises in the management of common problems either not in place, o
人物名片  姚子荣,河北卢龙人。参加工作25年间担任班主任19年,所带班级被评为“省、市先进班集体”。曾被评为“区拔尖人才”、“市优秀教师”、“市三育人先进个人”、“市中小学名师”、“省中小学骨干教师”;获“省教学成果三等奖”;发表教育教学论文多篇;所辅导学生多次获得国家级、市级联赛大奖。2014年获得“全国模范教师”、“全国德育和思想政治教育先进个人”荣誉称号。  从教25年来,姚子荣凭着强烈的
削减成本或许较能吸引注意力,但改善定阶策略却更能为公司带来实质收益。 Cost-cutting may be more attractive, but improving the strategy of order can bring more ben
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从国际知名市场学专家、哈佛商学院高级副院长John Quelch教授接受《经理人》独家采访的论述中,我们提炼出了最关键最重要的10个方面,作为J0hn Quelch教授对国内企业实施国