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1940年,东北抗日斗争进入了极其艰难困苦的阶段,抗日游击根据地遭到严重破坏,抗日联军大量减员。在敌强我弱的形势下,东北抗联不得不进一步化整为零,分散活动。尽管如此,他们在我党的领导下,继续坚持浴血奋战,艰苦卓绝地转战于白山黑水之间。其中第三路军的第12支队于同年8、9月之交越过呼兰河,进入“三肇(肇东、肇州、肇源)”地区,一面积极寻找战机主动出击,给气势汹汹的敌伪势力以有力的打击;一面想方设法派人打入敌人内部进行策反,争取伪军反正起义。正是在这样的背景下,1941年1月4日,在北满敌伪大本营哈尔滨市近郊——王岗机场,伪满空军第三飞行大队的广大士兵,举行了震惊中外的武装起义。日本帝国主义为加强对东北全境的军事控制并适 In 1940, the war of resistance against Japan in northeast China entered an extremely difficult and difficult stage. The anti-Japanese guerrilla base area was severely damaged and a large number of anti-Japanese coalition forces were downsizing. In the situation where the enemy is strong and I am weak, the Northeast Anti-Union has to further consolidate into zero and disperse activities. Nevertheless, under the leadership of our party, they continued to fight bloody battles and persevered in their fierce battle between the White Mountains and the Black Sea. Among them, the 12th detachment of the 3rd Route Army crossed the Hulan River in August and September of the same year and entered the area of ​​“Sanzhao (Zhaodong, Zhaozhou and Zhaoyuan)” while actively looking for fighters to take the initiative The enemy and the puppet forces forcefully crack down on one hand, and find ways to send people into the enemy’s internal control and fight against the pseudo-military uprisings in any case. It is against this backdrop that on January 4, 1941, a large number of soldiers who stormed the Chinese and foreign armed intifadas stormed the soldiers at Wangang Airport, the third flight group of the Puppet Air Force, in the outskirts of the city of Harbin, the enemy base of the enemy camps in northern Manchuria. Japanese imperialism is in a position to strengthen military control over the entire territory of northeast China
目的:观察不同剂量左旋多巴(Levodopa,LD)对形觉剥夺性弱视大鼠视觉诱发电位(visual evoked potentia,F-VEP)及视网膜内多巴胺(Dopamine,DA)含量的影响,探讨其治疗弱视的可能机制。
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