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日前,辽宁省北票市第二届辣椒节闭幕。此次辣椒节不仅参加人数和成交量均创历年之最,而且还成功地扮演了“招商引资”中介者角色。截至9月16日17时,据辣椒节组委会统计:连日来,共有758位海内外嘉宾和客商参加北票市辣椒节。其中,来自韩国、日本、意大利、加拿大和港台地区的客商108位;来自国内的客商363位;24个辣椒重生产乡镇的辣椒经纪人242位。这些来自国内外30多家公司的70多名代表在紧张、友好的氛围中,与北票市60多家企业和乡、镇、区的代表进行了广泛的接触和洽谈。就辣椒、石材、玉米、肉牛等领域的项目签订了合同或意向协议;有的项目马上就要进行运作,有的项目正在进一步洽谈中。 Recently, the second anniversary of the Pepper Festival closed in Beipiao, Liaoning Province. The Pepper Festival not only participated in the number and volume of the most record years, but also successfully played a “investment ” intermediary role. As at 17 o’clock on the September 16, according to the statistics of the Organizing Committee of Pepper Festival: In the past few days, a total of 758 guests and businessmen from home and abroad attended the Beipiao Pepper Festival. Among them, 108 from merchants in South Korea, Japan, Italy, Canada and Hong Kong and Taiwan; 363 from domestic merchants; and 242 hot pepper chillers who re-produce 24 towns and villages with hot peppers. More than 70 representatives from more than 30 domestic and foreign companies held extensive contacts and discussions with more than 60 enterprises in Beipiao and representatives of townships, towns and districts in an intense and friendly atmosphere. On the pepper, stone, corn, beef cattle and other fields in the project signed a contract or intention agreement; some projects will soon be operational, and some projects are under further negotiation.
今音suo,定县读为。cuo,动词。指太阳西斜、落山。如:“日头~西。”《汉语大辞典》收有此义项。此义古已有之。《说文·走部》大徐本36页:“ ,走意。从走,坐声。”大徐注为“苏和切”。按《
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